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Boiled condensed milk according to Dukan. Dietary condensed milk according to Dukan Condensed milk according to Dukan in the microwave

Recipe fromIrina Tamarina, recipes-dukan.rf

Hello, dear readers! To be honest, I didn’t even think that condensed milk according to Dukan will become the “heroine” of my post. I planned to briefly mention the method of preparing it in some recipe, to which it is very suitable as a filling. This time I didn’t want to invent anything, so I turned to the Internet for a recipe. It was then that I came up with several ideas that I will tell you about today, and thanks to which this topic appeared.

Firstly, I don’t like recipes in which you need to stir something for a long time without leaving the stove, but it turned out that condensed milk according to Dukan this is exactly the recipe. To tell the truth, I can tolerate dishes with continuous stirring for 10-15 minutes, but when I found out that for preparing condensed milk in a steam bath it takes 40-60 minutes, I didn’t want any pancakes or cakes.

Secondly, I don't like microwave recipes— this cooking method was also suggested by the Internet.

And finally, thirdly, I don’t understand why Dukan condensed milk is not prepared from baked milk , because it’s incredibly tasty! Or do you think that preparing it is a long and labor-intensive process? You are wrong! It’s easy and simple to prepare such milk, and it turns out to be real boiled condensed milk according to Dukan.

So, I have two recipes and one very simple cooking method. Which? Read on!

Dukan diet recipes: Dukan condensed milk (from regular milk)

Preparation of condensed milk according to Dukan:

We'll have condensed milk cook in a slow cooker in the “Steam” mode. You won’t have to stand for 40, let alone 60, minutes and constantly stir – I assure you!

As soon as the water boils and the countdown begins, you need to open the multicooker and stir the milk - all the lumps should disperse. Close the lid again and open it approximately every 7-8 minutes to stir - only 4 times during the entire cooking time.

After time, the condensed milk will thicken, and if you think that this is not enough, add time (5-10 minutes) and continue the procedure. It must be remembered that condensed milk will be even thicker after it cools, and even more so after it sits in the refrigerator.

I've cooked condensed milk in a slow cooker many times - 25 minutes is more than enough!

There is no need to worry about the foam that forms on the surface or about lumps; all this “disperses” with the next stirring and does not affect the taste in any way.

To be honest, I had a desire to experiment and not stir the condensed milk at all, except for the first time, to separate the lumps, but I haven’t decided yet. I think stirring 4 times during the entire cooking time is not such a difficult task.

By the way, while I was preparing a portion of condensed milk, I was also redoing a bunch of things in the kitchen, so this “lazy” option suited me quite well.

Remove the container with the finished condensed milk from the multicooker, cover with a regular kitchen towel and cool completely. You can stir 2-3 times to prevent foam from forming. Place the condensed milk in the refrigerator and cool.

This delicious dessert, known and loved by many, is unfortunately not available to everyone due to its high sugar content. It happens that it is not consumed because of a desire to lose weight or for medical reasons, so Dukan condensed milk will be a good solution. In our selection of recipes you will not find a single spoon of sugar, which makes the delicacy a truly dietary product.

Dukan condensed milk is allowed even for patients with diabetes, not to mention those who are on a strict diet for weight loss, since it is made on the basis of skim milk powder and a sugar substitute.

It takes little time to prepare this dessert, so you don’t need to find a free day - let’s cook condensed milk in between!

First, let's make a delicacy using the simplest recipe with a minimum of ingredients.

Condensed milk according to Dukan

Recipe Ingredients

  • Skimmed milk powder— 200 g + -
  • — 200 g + -
  • Sweetener— 10 tablets + -
  • Vanillin - optional + -
    1. We put the pasteurized milk to warm up in a water bath and, as soon as it becomes warm, add the dry milk in portions. Whisk the mixture continuously to break up any lumps.
    2. As soon as all the powder has dispersed, add sweetener tablets and vanillin at the tip of a knife. Mix everything thoroughly and cook over low heat for 40-50 minutes, stirring occasionally with a whisk.
    3. Pour the finished dietary condensed milk into a glass jar and put it in the refrigerator. Healthy topping for pancakes and pancakes is ready!

If you don’t want to stand at the stove, but the kitchen has such a useful gadget as a microwave, we can prepare condensed milk in it in a matter of minutes!

Dukan condensed milk: recipe in the microwave

  1. 3 tbsp. Place skim milk powder in a dry frying pan and fry until golden brown. The color should be approximately the same as that of boiled condensed milk, but a little lighter.
  2. Pour into a deep glass bowl and add 1 tbsp. corn or potato starch - it will help the condensed milk thicken faster.
  3. Warm up 100 ml of warm skim pasteurized milk until slightly warm, pour it into the dry mixture and whisk it with a whisk until the lumps disappear.
  4. Add another 100 ml of milk and sweetener to taste, mix and microwave for 30 seconds.
  5. Remove, mix and repeat the procedure again. Warm up the condensed milk at maximum power for 2.5 - 3 minutes, stirring it every half a minute.

Leave the finished dish in a bowl and serve chilled.

Thanks to frying the milk powder, the dessert will turn out to be a beautiful golden color, exactly like boiled condensed milk! It will also taste like baked milk. If you cook it without pre-frying, you will get regular white condensed milk.

Bon appetit!

Well, to make extraordinary condensed milk with coffee flavor, the following recipe will come in handy.

Boiled condensed milk according to Dukan

  • Pour 200 ml of 1.5% milk into a deep glass cup and put it in the microwave for 30-40 seconds, warm it up so that the coffee dissolves better when warm.
  • Add 1 tsp. with a small pile of instant and mix.
  • Then add the rest of the dry ingredients: 1 cup cornstarch, sugar substitute to taste and 3 tbsp. skim milk powder. Mix everything until smooth with a whisk or fork.

Place the cup in the microwave and heat it at maximum power to the desired thickness. This may take 3 minutes to achieve a light viscous consistency, and 6 to achieve the dense viscosity of real boiled condensed milk.

Cool the finished dessert and serve with tea.

Well, those who have a multicooker in their kitchen should take a closer look at the recipes for cooking dietary delicacies in it.

Condensed milk according to Dukan in a slow cooker

To prepare, we will use a container for “steaming”.

  1. Pour 120 ml of cold pasteurized milk 1.5% fat into a small plastic cup.
  2. Add the rest of the ingredients there: 3 tbsp. with a heap of skim milk powder, vanillin and sweetener to taste.
  3. Stir, but not until smooth—the lumps won’t dissolve, since the milk is cold, so don’t worry about it.
  4. Now pour 1 glass of water into the multicooker, put the cup with the mixture in the container and set the timer for 25 minutes.

We will open the multicooker every 6-7 minutes, stirring the contents of the cup. After the first stirring, the lumps will disappear. When the timer goes off, take out the cup with the finished condensed milk, stir again and pour into a jar.

If the consistency seems runny, remember that cold condensed milk will become much thicker. If you still want to cook it a little more, let it cook for 5-6 minutes.

Now you know several proven recipes for how to make condensed milk according to Dukan. And despite its dietary content, the delicacy turns out to be truly tasty, aromatic and sweet. Try it, and the result will definitely not disappoint!

The Dukan diet is famous for allowing you to eat a wide variety of dishes, including fast food and. There is only one condition - you prepare all these dishes yourself and according to all the rules of the diet. After a little magic in the kitchen, you will enjoy real condensed milk, which will be safe for your figure, but very healthy for the body.

Does not allow the use of starch, which is included in almost all homemade condensed milk recipes. Powdered skim milk is also subject to restrictions; you can consume no more than 60 g per day. To make the dessert the way it should be, take the required amount - 75 g of milk. But divide the finished dish into several servings, leaving one for tomorrow.

For dietary condensed milk on attack you will need:

  • low-fat liquid milk - 125 ml.

Mix all ingredients in a container. Cook in a water bath, stirring occasionally. After 40 minutes the dish should be ready.

Boiled Dukan condensed milk


  • skimmed milk powder - 75 g;
  • starch - 1 tbsp;
  • low-fat liquid milk - 1 glass;
  • sweetener - 5 tablets.

To get boiled condensed milk rather than regular condensed milk, first dry the milk powder in a frying pan without oil. Remove the pan from the heat when the milk turns a faint brown color.

Mix all ingredients in a blender. If you don’t have such a kitchen assistant, you can beat the mixture by hand. Just make sure that it is uniform and covered with a light layer of foam.

Cook the condensed milk in a water bath for half an hour, stirring frequently. In the microwave, a miracle dessert will be prepared in a matter of minutes. Place the container with the mixture in it for half a minute, remove it for a few moments and reheat for 30 seconds. Repeat 4-5 times.

Condensed milk according to Dukan: recipe for a slow cooker


  • skimmed milk powder - 75 g;
  • sweetener - 5 tablets;
  • low-fat liquid milk - 150 ml.

Combine the products in a small container. will help you create a water bath effect. Fill a bowl with water, place a steamer sieve on it, and place the container with the sweet mixture on it. Cook in steam mode for about 25-30 minutes. During this period of time, stir the composition 3-4 times to avoid the appearance of lumps.

Dukan coffee condensed milk


  • skimmed milk powder - 3 tbsp;
  • corn starch - 1 tbsp;
  • sweetener - 5 tablets;
  • instant coffee - 1 tsp;
  • low-fat liquid milk - 1 glass.

Heat the milk in the microwave. It shouldn't be too hot. Dissolve coffee powder in milk and pour the mixture over the remaining ingredients. Mix well to avoid any clumps. For this purpose, use a mixer or blender.

Due to its high sugar content, condensed milk is not suitable for everyone. This applies to people who want to lose weight or for medical reasons. Dietary condensed milk, the recipe for which we will tell in this article, does not contain even a grain of sugar, and is made with skim milk. This dessert is allowed even for diabetics and those on a strict diet. There are several options for preparing condensed milk according to Dukan, let's look at them.

Simple recipe

This is a classic version of condensed milk cooked according to Dukan. We only need 3 components.


  • Skim milk liquid - 150 g
  • Skimmed milk powder - 150 g
  • Sugar substitute - 7-8 tablets


Pour the milk into a saucepan and put it on gas, in a water bath, and warm it up slightly. Then gradually add dry milk in small portions. You need to stir continuously with a whisk.
When all the grains have dispersed, add a sugar substitute; if desired, you can add a pinch of vanillin - it will complement the taste of the finished product. Boil the mixture over low heat for about 50 minutes, stirring occasionally with a whisk.
Store the finished condensed milk in the refrigerator.

In the microwave

For those who are too lazy to stand at the stove for a long time, you can use the microwave. This useful gadget is found in almost every kitchen and will prepare a delicious treat in a few minutes. To make dietary boiled condensed milk, we need:


  • Skimmed milk powder - 30 g
  • Starch (can be corn) - 10 g
  • Liquid milk without fat - 200 ml
  • Sweetener to taste


In a heated frying pan, fry the milk powder until caramel-colored, then pour what happened into a bowl and add starch. Let's mix. Starch is needed here so that the condensed milk thickens faster.
Heat half of the liquid milk to a warm temperature and add it to the dry ingredients in a bowl, whisk until smooth so that there are no lumps.
Pour in the remaining milk cold and add a sugar substitute to your liking. Stir everything again and put it in the microwave. After half a minute, take it out and mix again to avoid the formation of lumps. We repeat the same action 5-6 more times, that is, every 30 seconds you need to stir.
Boiled condensed milk according to Dukan is ready. Serve completely chilled.

In a slow cooker

Another simple recipe for a dietary dessert; it is most convenient to cook it in a slow cooker.


  • Milk 1.5% fat - 240 ml
  • Low-fat dry milk product - 6 tbsp. l.
  • Sweetener - about 8 tablets
  • Vanilla


Add dry milk product, sugar substitute and vanillin to regular milk. Stir. If the lumps do not dissolve, it’s okay, they will disperse during cooking.
Now you need to pour water into the multicooker bowl (1 glass is enough). Place the container for steaming, place the bowl with the future dessert and set the timer for 25 minutes. Every 6 minutes, open the lid and stir the contents; if you don’t do this, lumps will remain. After the timer has turned off, the bowl can be removed.
Hot condensed milk turns out liquid; when cooled, it will become much thicker.

Condensed milk from baked milk

This dessert takes longer to prepare than previous versions, but its taste is creamier.


  • Regular low-fat milk - 240 ml
  • Powdered milk product (low-fat) - 120 g
  • Sweetener - 7 tablets


First, you need to simmer the milk in a thermos. To do this, first pour boiling water into the thermos, leave it for a few minutes and pour it out. Next, the milk must be boiled and poured into a thermos. It takes about 24 hours to infuse the liquid.
After the allotted time has passed, we take out our baked milk, mix it with a dry milk product and a sweetener, and send the whole thing to boil in a water bath. Cooking time 45 minutes.
Now you know how to make dietary condensed milk. Despite the fact that the dessert contains no sugar at all, it turns out very tasty and goes perfectly with or. Bon appetit!

Many people with a sweet tooth dream of losing weight without giving up their favorite desserts, which often include condensed milk. Most nutritional systems for weight loss prohibit the consumption of this delicacy. The diet developed by the French doctor Pierre Dukan allows you to include even this sweet product in the menu. The secret is that condensed milk is prepared according to Dukan according to special recipes that exclude the use of sugar.

Cooking features

Condensed milk will not add extra pounds to you if you prepare it correctly, based on special recipes proposed by Dr. Dukan and his followers.

  • Sugar cannot be used to prepare condensed milk according to Dukan; it is replaced with a low-calorie sweetener. It is important that the packaging of the sweetener indicates that it contains 0 calories. These products include stevia and Fitparad, which are most popular among people following the Dukan diet.
  • Sweetener tablets must be crushed into powder before combining with other products. There is no need to dissolve it in water, as excess liquid will slow down the milk thickening process.
  • In the process of preparing condensed milk according to Dukan, the prepared mixture must be stirred repeatedly, otherwise it will not be possible to prevent the formation of lumps and obtain condensed milk that has a smooth consistency.
  • Dairy products used to prepare dietary condensed milk must be low-fat.
  • During the first phase of the Dukan Diet, known as the Attack, no starch is allowed. Keep this in mind when choosing your condensed milk recipe.
  • It is not recommended to consume more than 60 g of skimmed milk powder per day; many condensed milk recipes contain larger amounts of this ingredient. The total amount of condensed milk obtained will have to be divided into several servings.

Dukan condensed milk can be prepared in different ways. The recipe can be chosen depending on the availability of one or another kitchen appliance.

Classic recipe for condensed milk according to Dukan (in a water bath)

  • liquid milk with a fat content of no more than 1.5% - 120 ml;
  • sweetener "Fitparad" - 5-7 tablets.

Cooking method:

  • Place sweetener tablets in a mortar and grind them to a powder.
  • Mix with dry milk.
  • By adding milk and stirring, prepare a milk solution, place it in a small ladle.
  • Pour water into a large saucepan and bring it to a boil.
  • Place the ladle with the milk mixture in the pan. Heat it in a water bath, stirring frequently, for 40 minutes.

All that remains is to transfer the condensed milk into the container in which you plan to store it (for example, a glass jar), and after cooling to room temperature, put it in the refrigerator. The condensed milk obtained from this recipe should last for at least 2 days. The recipe is suitable for the “Attack” phase and all subsequent phases of the Dukan diet.

Condensed milk according to Dukan in the microwave

  • liquid skim milk – 0.2 l;
  • skimmed milk powder – 30 g;
  • corn starch – 10 g;
  • sweetener - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Pour the milk powder into a frying pan. Lightly fry it while stirring.
  • Place the caramel-colored product in a bowl.
  • Heat 100 ml of milk, pour it into the dry milk.
  • Whisk until the milk powder dissolves without forming lumps.
  • Add sweetener pre-ground to powder.
  • Stir.
  • Dissolve the starch in the remaining cold milk. Pour the resulting mixture in a thin stream into the container with the other part of the dairy products, stirring them constantly.
  • Place in a microwave safe container. Put it in the microwave.
  • Microwave on medium power for half a minute.
  • Stir the dairy products.
  • Microwave again for 30 seconds, then stir the milk mixture.
  • Continue cooking the condensed milk as directed until the total cooking time reaches 3 minutes.

All that remains is to cool the condensed milk and store it in the refrigerator. Considering the small amount of powdered milk used to prepare the sweets according to this recipe, there is no need to think about the serving size when adding delicacies to desserts. You can prepare condensed milk according to this recipe starting from the “Alternating” stage.

Condensed milk according to Dukan in a slow cooker

  • skimmed milk powder – 120 g;
  • liquid milk with a fat content of 1.5% - 0.24 l;
  • vanillin – 1 g;
  • sweetener "Fitparad" - 8 tablets.

Cooking method:

  • Dilute the powdered milk into liquid milk, making sure there are no lumps.
  • Add powdered sweetener and vanillin, mix.
  • Place the milk mixture in a small bowl or plastic container large enough to fit on the rack of a slow cooker designed for steaming.
  • Pour one and a half glasses of water into the main bowl of the multicooker. Place a wire rack on top and place a bowl of milk mixture on it.
  • Start the unit by selecting the steam cooking mode. Set the timer for 30 minutes.
  • Pause the multicooker every 5-6 minutes to stir the dairy products and prevent lumps from forming.

Immediately after cooking, condensed milk may seem too liquid to you. After cooling, it will become much thicker, acquiring the consistency of your favorite delicacy. Vanilla aroma will make condensed milk even more appetizing. Instead of vanillin, you can use condensed milk or caramel flavoring.

Dukan condensed milk with coffee

  • instant coffee – 5 g;
  • instant milk powder – 60 g;
  • liquid milk with a fat content of 1.5% – 0.25 l;
  • sweetener “Fitparad” – 5 tablets;
  • corn starch – 20 g.

Cooking method:

  • Heat half the milk, but do not boil.
  • Dissolve coffee in it.
  • Cool to warm temperature, mix with dry milk.
  • Add sweetener, mix thoroughly.
  • Dissolve the starch in the remaining milk that you did not heat.
  • Combine both parts of the workpiece, mix well, place in a container.
  • Microwave for 5 minutes, stirring the mixture every minute.

You can prepare the delicacy according to this recipe in a water bath. This will take more time - 40 minutes. When preparing a steamed dessert in a slow cooker, it will take half an hour. Condensed milk prepared according to this recipe resembles boiled condensed milk in color and consistency, but has a seductive coffee aroma.

Dukan condensed milk does not have a high calorie content and is low in fat and carbohydrates. Such a dessert can be included in the menu by people who have problems with excess weight, but are not ready to give up their usual delicacies for the sake of a slim figure. If you follow the Dukan diet, a sweet product can be consumed at any stage, but for the “Attack” you need to choose a recipe without starch. Preparing dietary condensed milk is a simple but lengthy process. Using kitchen appliances will help speed it up.

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