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Boiled cod.

It so happens that fried and baked fish are more popular than boiled fish. Although poisonous fish fillets retain the maximum amount of all useful microelements, minerals, and vitamins. But, in terms of taste, this fish is inferior to the first option. In addition, boiled fish is considered a dietary dish with a minimum amount of calories. Different types of seafood have different cooking times. Cod meat is very tasty and popular. How long to cook cod?

How long does it take to cook cod?

Cod fillet is a world-famous fish delicacy. The cod cooks quite quickly. It is better to steam or boil the product. This way you can preserve all its beneficial properties. You can marinate the fish first to improve its taste. On average, cod takes 20 minutes to cook. If you cook the meat in small portions, the readiness can occur in 5 minutes.

The teska carcass needs to be prepared for cooking. Initially, the carcass is cleaned of scales and entrails. If it was frozen, be sure to defrost it. When cleaning, you need to remove the fins, head, and tail. Next, the prepared cod is thoroughly washed and cut into pieces (if necessary). You can cook fish in a slow cooker, a double boiler, or in a regular saucepan. It is better to immerse the fish meat in already boiling, salted water.

What are the benefits of this type of fish? Boiled cod retains the maximum amount of the following substances:

  • Magnesium;
  • Potassium;
  • Calcium;
  • Zinc;
  • Phosphorus;
  • Sodium;
  • Fluorine;
  • Copper;
  • Manganese.

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And this is not the entire list of useful components. Cod is also rich in vitamins: B1, B2, B6, B9, B12, C, E, A, PP, H. Of course, like any other seafood, cod is saturated with fatty acids that the human body cannot produce on its own. Therefore, for the full functioning of all systems and organs, it is important to receive them from the outside. Boiled cod is popular in dietary nutrition. Its moderate consumption restores normal brain function. Cod is an excellent prevention of atherosclerosis, arthritis, and rheumatism.

Cooking options

You need to cook cod correctly, maintaining the entire balance of spices. The simplest option is to boil the seafood in a regular pan. Whole or cut into pieces cod is placed in a pan and filled with water. The liquid is brought to a boil over low heat. The resulting foam is removed using a slotted spoon. Water is salted to taste. You can add one peeled onion, bay leaf, and peppercorns to the yushka. This cod is cooked for 20 minutes over low heat without a lid.

It takes a little longer to cook cod in a slow cooker. Just as in the first option, the fish is placed in a bowl and filled with water. On the multicooker, you need to select the “quenching” mode, bringing to a boil. The time is set to 30-40 minutes. The foam is removed with a spoon. All spices are added according to desire and taste.

Steamed boiled fish can be considered the healthiest. So, the cod is pre-rubbed with salt, spices, and you can sprinkle it with lemon juice. In this marinade, the carcass should stand for about an hour in the refrigerator. Only after this can you place the fish in the steamer and select 40 minutes on the timer. After cooking, the cod is served whole or cut.

Boiled cod is a delicious dietary dish. Various soups or fish soup are prepared from fish broth, and the fish itself is used as a main dish, as part of a salad, or combined with a side dish of vegetables. Cod is prepared simply and in a short time.

How long does it take to cook cod?

Cooking time for fish such as cod is 15-20 minutes. Cook the product in a double boiler for up to 20 minutes. If a multicooker is selected for cooking, the boiling time is the same - 20 minutes.

You can check if the fish is cooked using a fork by separating the meat from the bones. If no effort is needed, then the cod is cooked. It is best to remove it from the broth with a slotted spoon so that the fish does not fall into pieces.

Step-by-step instructions for boiling cod

  • Cod can be boiled not only in ordinary water, but also in cucumber brine. They will give the dish a more original taste. The remaining broth can be consumed as is or used to prepare the first course.
  • There should not be too much water in the container. It's best when the liquid just covers the fish. Cod can be placed in both cold and boiling water. Since cod meat is quite tough, experienced chefs still recommend using cold water at the initial stage of cooking - this ensures that the fish is cooked evenly.
  • To improve the taste of cod, you can use citric acid, natural lemon juice, salt, spices, tomato paste, cucumber pickle, carrots, onions, pepper, etc.
  • When boiling fish, you can add a tablespoon of olive or other vegetable oil to the water. This will make the rather dry cod more juicy.
  • Fish is boiled only in gutted form.
  • While cooking cod, you need to constantly monitor the heat. If at the beginning of cooking it should be strong, then after boiling the broth it should be reduced to a medium level. In the last minutes of cooking, it is recommended to reduce the heat to low.

Simple recipes for dishes with boiled cod

Cod is fried, baked, stuffed, steamed or grilled and, of course, boiled. The latter cooking method allows you to get a dietary dish. Cod meat can be used to create salads, soups, cutlets, pies and much more.

Cod in cucumber brine

To prepare this independent dish, you will need the cod itself (500 g), a bunch of herbs, carrots, cucumber pickle (200 ml), tomato sauce (200 ml) and a packet of spices (10 g).

Cooking process:

  1. Boil water and add spices to it.
  2. Pour the cucumber pickle into the pan.
  3. Peel and cut the carrots into slices. Place in water.
  4. Wash the cod and remove all excess. Cut into small slices.
  5. Place pieces of fish in boiling water. Cook for 15 minutes.
  6. Remove the boiled cod from the broth. Place on a plate, skin side up.
  7. Pour tomato sauce over fish. Decorate with greens.

Fruit and vegetable salad with cod

For this salad you need 100 g of green lettuce leaves, 200 g of cod fillet, 1 apple, 50 g of lettuce celery, 1 bunch of small radishes, 1 large cucumber, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of wine vinegar, 0.5 cups of mayonnaise, salt and allspice.

Cooking process:

  1. Boil cod fillets in salted water.
  2. Cool the fish. Remove seeds if present.
  3. Cut into medium sized pieces.
  4. Pour wine vinegar over the cod and place in the refrigerator.
  5. Cut cucumber, radish, apple and celery into strips. Place all ingredients in a deep container. Place in the refrigerator for 20 minutes.
  6. Rinse the lettuce leaves and dry with a paper towel.
  7. Remove chopped foods from the refrigerator, except fish. Season with allspice and salt.
  8. Add 3 tbsp to vegetables and apple. spoons of mayonnaise. Mix.
  9. Place lettuce leaves on a plate. Place a mixture of fruits and vegetables on top.
  10. Remove the cod from the refrigerator. Place on top of the “pillow” and pour mayonnaise over it.

Fish soup with vegetables

To prepare the first course you need to have the following ingredients: 450 g of cod fillet cut into pieces, 230 g of peeled shrimp, 400 g of canned tomatoes, 1 glass of tomato-vegetable spicy juice, 2 teaspoons of olive oil, 1 bell pepper, onion, a couple of cloves garlic and salt.

Cooking process:

  1. Heat olive oil in a thick-walled saucepan.
  2. Place the bell pepper cut into strips into it.
  3. Peel the onion and chop finely. Add to pepper.
  4. Cook vegetables until golden, stirring, about 5 minutes.
  5. Chop the garlic and add to the pan. Stir, cook for 1 minute.
  6. Remove skins from tomatoes. Slice.
  7. Add tomatoes, vegetable juice, 0.5 cups of water and a quarter teaspoon of salt to the previous products.
  8. Cover the pan with a lid and bring the mixture to a boil over high heat. Turn down the heat and cook for 10 minutes.
  9. Place fish and shrimp in a container. Cover again and cook soup for 3-4 minutes. Stir gently once.
  10. Serve hot.
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    The meat of this fish contains many useful vitamins and minerals. Fish oil, known to everyone since childhood, is made from cod liver, which helps with rickets and poor appetite in children.

    The chemical composition of cod includes:

  • vitamins of different groups - A, PP, H, C, E, B9, B12, B2, B6, B1;
  • macroelements – magnesium, calcium, potassium, sodium, chlorine, phosphorus, sulfur;
  • trace elements - zinc, iron, copper, iodine, chromium, manganese, fluorine, cobalt, molybdenum, nickel.

This fish is widely used in medicinal nutrition. Moderate consumption of cod stabilizes brain function. Such fish is a preventive and therapeutic agent for arthritis and rheumatism. The vitamins and minerals contained in it help maintain healthy skin, nails, bones, and hair.

But we must not forget that excessive consumption of cod can be harmful to health. This product is an allergen and may cause allergic reactions (swelling of internal and external organs). It is contraindicated for people suffering from urolithiasis.

How to cook cod correctly?

Stores and supermarkets sell frozen and fresh cod. Of course, it is better to buy a fresh product, but even when frozen, fish practically does not lose its beneficial properties.

Frozen fish must be thawed at room temperature. Then rinse under cold water. You can cook the whole fish or cut it into pieces.

Cook on the stove. Place the cod in a saucepan and add liquid. Bring the water to a boil over low heat. Remove the foam with a slotted spoon. Salt the water to taste and add the onion, bay leaf and black peppercorns. Cook for 20-30 minutes over low heat.

Cook in a slow cooker. Place the fish in a multi-cooker bowl and fill it with liquid. Select the “Stew” program and set the cooking time to 30-40 minutes. When boiling, remove the foam. Salt to taste and add black peppercorns, a whole onion, and bay leaf.

Cook in a double boiler. Rub the cod meat with salt and spices for fish, you can sprinkle with a drop of lemon juice. Let stand in the refrigerator for an hour. Then place it in a double boiler and set the timer for 30-40 minutes.

Boiled cod can be a separate dish or an addition to a side dish. This is healthy food with an original pleasant taste. In this article we will look in detail at how long to cook cod fillet and what features this dish has.

Cod is a white fish of the cod family. Its color can be different - yellowish, olive or brown. The adult fish is quite large in size. The weight of industrial specimens reaches 10 kg. Cod is valued for its dietary meat and liver, rich in fats and vitamins.

The benefits of cod and its composition

The nutritional value of cod fish is quite high. It contains vitamins (A, B, C, E and others), microelements, fats, proteins and carbohydrates. Calorie content 100 gr. raw fish – 68.9 kcal. When cooked, the calorie content increases, depending on the cooking method.

Cod is considered a source of easily digestible proteins. Therefore, doctors recommend including it twice a week in the diet of athletes. Regular consumption of cod helps to avoid vitamin deficiency and compensates for the deficiency of some vitamins necessary for normal life. Cod meat is dietary and is recommended for consumption by people with increased body weight. Vitamins and microelements included in the composition Cod meat normalizes metabolism, strengthens the immune system and promotes rapid recovery from illness. Eating cod meat and liver improves the appearance and condition of the skin.

Harm and contraindications

One of the main contraindications to eating this fish is individual intolerance or an allergic reaction. An allergy can be to all fish in general, or to cod separately. If such a problem is detected, you should stop eating cod.

Diseases of the biliary tract, gall bladder and liver require caution when consuming cod. If possible, you should completely abandon it.

An excess of vitamin D in the body is a good reason to avoid fish in your diet.

The daily portion of fish should not exceed 200 g (for an adult).

Cod cooking options

Most often, cod is used to prepare fish soup, appetizers and hot dishes.

Frozen fish must be thawed before cooking. It is best to wait until the carcass defrosts itself, under natural conditions (in the room or in the refrigerator). Using a microwave or hot water is undesirable as it can affect the texture of the meat and its taste.

Depending on the chosen dish, the cod is cut into portions. They can be baked, fried, cooked in a double boiler, slow cooker, pressure cooker or in an ordinary saucepan. When choosing a recipe and cooking method, you need to focus on the taste preferences of your family. Boiling cod is the simplest and easiest cooking option.

Preparing for cooking

When studying the question of how long to cook cod fillets, first of all you need to understand that you should carefully prepare the fish. It must be fresh, free of external damage and unpleasant odor.

The fish must be washed, cleaned, freed from the head, tail, entrails, and fins. Cut into portions if necessary. Rinse each piece in running water. The cod is ready for cooking, all that remains is to prepare the necessary spices and additional ingredients.

Now let's take a closer look at how many minutes to cook cod fillets.

How long to cook cod fillets depends on a number of factors:

Firstly, what kind of fish is used - fresh or frozen. Secondly, the size of the fish. Cooking small pieces and whole fillets are two different things.

It is better to lower the fillet into a pan with cold water - this way the fillet will cook evenly.

When cooking, the water should completely cover the fillet. For taste, you can add salt, citric acid, bay leaf, carrots, onions, allspice.

During the cooking process, you can add olive oil (provided you are not allergic to it).

Small pieces of fish fillet are ready within 5 minutes after the broth boils. Large pieces or whole fillets require cooking for 20-25 minutes. Readiness is checked with a fork - the meat should easily separate from the bones or skin.

Boiled fish fillet can be served with a side dish for lunch or dinner. This is a light, dietary dish from which it is impossible to gain weight. You can use vegetables, cereals or pasta as a side dish. Boiled cod can also be combined with sauces and gravies.

How long to cook cod fillet for a child is a question that interests all parents who introduce fish into their child’s diet. Everyone knows that any fish is good for children and should definitely be consumed by them at least once a week.

For children's dishes, the cod must be cooked for at least 20 minutes. After cooking, you need to mash it with a fork and carefully check for small bones.

Children can be given cod as a separate dish or in combination with a vegetable side dish. It goes well with mashed potatoes, fresh vegetables and pasta. You can ask your child to choose the side dish himself, so even the fish he doesn’t like will be easier to eat.

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Cod is one of the popular types of food, which is used as food in all corners of the planet.

From this variety of fish you can prepare a variety of dishes that will be rich in nutrients, vitamins and minerals that are very necessary for the body in our time. Cod can be prepared using various methods: by boiling, frying, stewing with vegetables, you can bake in the oven using foil, stuff fish fillets with various fillings, steam or grill. An unusual way to prepare cutlets or fill pies is to pass cod fillets through a meat grinder. Also, many housewives manage to smoke, dry or salt cod fillets. One can safely classify cod meat as a delicacy, since its beneficial properties and taste make it possible to do so.

In terms of its beneficial properties, cod is very rich in vitamin B12 and a large set of proteins and amino acids. Doctors recommend eating cod for those who suffer from diseases of the musculoskeletal system or who need the prevention of arthrosis.

Before you cook the cod you need to

First, defrost the fish carcass. Secondly, cut the fish fillet, getting rid of the head of the fish, all kinds of entrails, including cutting off the fins, gills and tail. Thirdly, it is necessary to divide the fillet into small pieces, which will facilitate faster and even cooking of the cod. Fourth, prepare a medium saucepan of water and add peeled carrots, bay leaves, a couple of black peppercorns, parsley and a teaspoon of salt. Fifth, place the fish pieces in a saucepan and place it over low heat. Sixthly, adding a little sunflower oil will ensure the fillet is soft. Seventh, after the water boils, you should reduce the heat to low and leave the fillet to cook for another 15-20 minutes.

A successful and proven way to determine whether cod is ready to eat before removing the pan from the heat is to try to separate the meat from the bone with a fork. As a result, if you managed to do this with ease, then you can safely turn off the stove. Experienced housewives usually sprinkle the fillets with vinegar or lemon juice when serving cod.

It is very popular to add cod to the diet of young children who have barely reached ten months of age. However, it is necessary to serve cod for small children as follows: after the cod is cooked along with vegetables, pass the fillet and boiled vegetables through a meat grinder, thereby providing the child with a nourishing fish and vegetable puree. But many mothers also share other options for boiling cod, namely with milk. In this case, the cod is served in small pieces along with butter. Pediatricians recommend initially adding cod fillet to children's soups, which will help accustom the child to its taste.

How long should you cook cod?

Cod cut into small pieces is usually cooked over moderate heat for no more than 15-20 minutes.
If a steamer helps you cook cod, then set the time mode to 30 minutes, which will allow the fish fillet to soak in its juice.

If you decide to cook cod using a multicooker, then you need to select the standard “Baking” mode, which will ensure juiciness and softness of the cod fillet. In this mode, cooking cod fillets will take no more than 20-25 minutes.

As for contraindications for eating cod, this can only be individual intolerance to this product. And another interesting fact is that pharmaceutical fish oil is obtained from cod, which, as everyone knows, is good not only for health, but also for our beauty.

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