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Android slows down: causes and solutions to the problem. Touchscreen calibration on Android phones and tablets What to do if the phone screen is glitchy

Smartphone users are often interested in what to do if their smartphone’s sensor is faulty. This happens because the user interacts with the device through the touch screen, be it scrolling through menus, working with files and other functions of the device. If the sensor malfunctions even after repair, the user cannot fully use all the functionality of the gadget. And this is sometimes extremely necessary.

Why is this happening?

The sensor on Android or iOS can start to fail completely unexpectedly. The reason may be poor quality repairs or components, or a fall. Typically, inadequate sensor performance on almost any smartphone is associated with mechanical impact. To protect the touchscreen from impacts, protective glass or films are installed on it, since without additional protection, unpleasant situations may arise due to an impact or fall. As a result, the sensor on the phone malfunctions, or it completely fails.

The touchscreen may start to fail for several reasons:

  1. Moisture entering the device body.
  2. Software errors.
  3. Incorrect replacement of the touchscreen or poor quality of components.

If you know for sure that your phone has not been subjected to mechanical stress or moisture, but the touchscreen does not respond to touches or reacts incorrectly to them, then most likely the problem is a software error. It is possible to fix this yourself.

Signs of a faulty sensor

There are several indicators of a faulty touchscreen on a smartphone:

  1. The sensor does not respond to touches in certain places or on the entire screen.
  2. Chaotic display responses (files and applications open on their own, scroll through menus, etc.) after a shock, fall, or poor-quality repair.

If the sensor is faulty, what to do and how to solve the problem yourself? Let's look at the methods below.

Clear screen

When starting to independently revive a poorly functioning, slow or glitchy sensor, you need to clean it of dirt. This will definitely not make the smartphone any worse, but the contact between the finger and the touchscreen will improve, which may well solve the problem of freezing and stuttering. To clean your smartphone display, it is better to use a soft, lint-free cloth and a special sensor cleaner. Special wet wipes for screens are also suitable.

Reboot your phone

As stated above, the problem may be software. In this case, rebooting the device may help. If your iPhone sensor is faulty, you need to:

  1. Press and hold the power and home buttons (power and volume down buttons on iPhone 7 and above).
  2. Wait for the Apple logo to appear on the phone screen.
  3. Check the functionality of the sensor by touching the icon of any application after loading the system.

If the sensor malfunctions on a smartphone running Android, the instructions for rebooting will vary, since the key combinations depend on the device manufacturer. For example, for most Samsung smartphones, a combination of the power key and volume down key is suitable. Rebooting the device can solve the problem of the sensor not working properly due to a software error.

Check protective accessories

It happens that it is the additional protection that interferes with the operation of the sensor. Because of this, the sensor may not respond immediately or may slow down when you press one of the sides of the case or mechanical buttons on the device. For example, the sensor may completely stop responding to touches across the entire display, or only in the lower part, if the protective film or glass was glued to the phone screen incorrectly.

The market today is replete with affordable security solutions for smartphones, but not all of them are of high quality and do their job properly. If your case covers any part of the screen, it will interfere with the normal functioning of the device, causing the touchscreen to malfunction or freeze. What to do if your iPhone sensor is faulty? In order to identify what causes the touchscreen to respond incorrectly, you need to remove the case and check the sensor. If interruptions in the operation of the display are caused by the protective cover, then after removing it, the functionality of the sensor will be restored. But if the screen continues to fail, you should look further for the problem.

What to do if the problem cannot be resolved?

If rebooting the device, re-gluing the glass and removing the protective case did not produce any results and the touchscreen is still glitchy, most likely the issue is not software errors and incorrect accessories, but a malfunction of the internal components of the device. In this case, you should contact the service professionals who will carry out diagnostics, identify the breakdown and replace the failed part.

If, after the device is dropped, the keys periodically work incorrectly or do not work at all and the touchscreen does not respond to presses, then the technician will first find out the cause of the breakdown and then eliminate it. After the diagnosis, they will explain to you in detail why the touchscreen was buggy or not working, and will tell you about the condition of your device after it was dropped or exposed to moisture. Next, if necessary, a specialist will clean the device from traces of moisture or replace the display module.

When might a screen replacement be needed?

The display of any phone is constantly exposed to mechanical stress, as a result of which it may stop responding to touches, or the sensitivity of the sensor may decrease.

Deep scratches on the glass can also cause the bottom of the screen to stop working. To solve problems with a touch display that is completely or partially not working, it is necessary to replace the glass or the entire display module. Also, replacing the display if the sensor does not work correctly or information is displayed incorrectly on the screen is necessary after:

  1. Phone falling.
  2. Moisture gets into the housing, which negatively affects the sensitivity of the sensor and causes incorrect responses.
  3. Scuffs and deep scratches on the glass due to normal wear and tear.
  4. Other mechanical damage to the touchscreen.

Replacing the display module if damaged or not working correctly is quite simple. But if you disassemble and install a new screen yourself, you can damage thin cables and mounting sockets, which will lead to more expensive repairs.

Every year, manufacturers release dozens of new smartphone models. Some can boast of their low cost as a distinctive feature, others have high performance, others have an ergonomic design, and others are endowed with excellent energy-saving characteristics, a powerful battery and shock resistance. But none of these devices can be 100% protected from breakdowns of various types. One of these troubles is the spontaneous activation of the touchscreen, which is usually typical for Chinese budget smartphone models. Why the sensor on the phone is pressed by itself and how to deal with this problem, you will learn from the article.

Incorrect operation of the touchscreen is not the most pleasant thing, but the problem can be fixed

What are the reasons behind the spontaneous operation of the touchscreen?

Conventionally, the reasons why the sensor itself is pressed can be divided into two categories:

  • Software failure - occurs due to errors in the software (software) of the smartphone;
  • Hardware failure - errors associated with damage to the component parts of the device.

Depending on the model of your smartphone and the circumstances under which the screen malfunctioned, you can be more or less likely to say which of the above failures caused this problem. Thus, in Chinese budget models (according to statistics, most often in Alcatel and Xiaomi), the incorrect functioning of the touchscreen occurs as a result of low-quality assembly of the device and a cheap resistive display, which, as is known, is vulnerable to the accumulation of static charge on its surface. Dropping a smartphone or pressing hard on its screen can also cause problems with the operation of the touchscreen.

However, there is no need to despair. Before claiming that screen functioning errors arose due to hardware damage, you should try to fix this problem using software methods. Let's take a closer look at them.

How to eliminate spontaneous sensor activation programmatically

So, let's look at several ways to solve this problem on our own.

Method 1: Reset your smartphone to factory settings

Depending on the smartphone model, restoring the “default” operating parameters is performed in a certain section of the settings. However, the path to them is the same for most devices; only the names of these blocks differ. Therefore, let’s look at how to reset the settings to factory defaults, using the Philips S326 smartphone as an example.

Method 2: Screen Calibration

Re-calibration of the touchscreen may be necessary not only in the event of a software failure, after which the sensor on the smartphone clicks on its own. After a mobile device falls from a height, falls into water, replaces the display, etc., calibration must be carried out - this can help in most of the cases listed here. Let's consider two methods that allow us to carry out this procedure.

Screen calibration using standard tools built into the smartphone

In those device models that have the ability to determine the tilt angle of the touchscreen as standard functionality, you can calibrate it without using special utilities. For this:

  1. Go to the “Settings” section of our device;
  2. In the “Display”, “Screen” or “Special Features” block, find the “Calibration” item and click on it;
  3. The next window suggests, as a rule, to place the phone on a flat surface and start the calibration procedure, then your device will automatically adjust the optimal touch angle and complete it.

Using the special application “Touchgreen Calibration”

This method is suitable for those whose smartphone models do not have built-in tools for screen calibration. The application compares favorably with similar ones, first of all, due to its ease of use, as well as the very high accuracy of determining the angle of the sensor.

  1. So, to calibrate the screen using Touchscreen Calibration, you need:
  2. Download the application from the link on Google Play -;
  3. After installation, we launch the program, in the start window we see the inscription “Calibrate” framed in a blue background, you need to click on it;
Click on “Calibrate” to begin the touchscreen calibration process

The calibration procedure begins, during which you will be asked to adjust the screen tilt angle in six different touch modes, we go through each of them;

Do not forget that the smartphone must be on a flat surface all this time for the calibration to be as accurate as possible.

When finished, you will be prompted to reboot your device for the changes to take effect.

Here click “Ok” and reboot the device for the changes to take effect


If the methods described above did not help you fix sensor clicks, then the problem most likely lies in the hardware of your smartphone. There are several hardware reasons due to which the touchscreen may operate spontaneously:

  • Resistive display - this type of screen differs from capacitive ones in that it is a layer of glass on which a flexible membrane is applied; as a result, such a touchscreen wears out quickly;
  • Poor quality of double-sided tape - Chinese manufacturers, and some service centers that repair displays by replacing it, like to save money on double-sided tape, which is used to fix the screen inside the case. As a result, the touchscreen does not work properly.

For the above reasons, it is better to entrust the matter to a specialist than to try to repair the screen yourself. If you still want to do it yourself, I recommend viewing these guides on touchscreen repair:

The wealth of options for using such devices leads to their gradual failure, and one of the common failure options is the dysfunction of the sensor on the phone, when the latter simply stops responding to presses (or reacts extremely poorly). In this article I will tell you what the reasons for this dysfunction are and what to do if the sensor on your phone does not work.

Finding out what to do when the touch screen stops working

Reasons for phone sensor failure

Let's look at common reasons why a phone's sensor fails. They may be as follows:

  • Random malfunction of the device;
  • There is a large amount of dirt and grease on the gadget screen;
  • The protective film on the device screen does not fit tightly enough to the screen (air bubbles are visible between the screen and the film, dirt, etc.);
  • The device has overheated due to various reasons, or has been subjected to a sudden temperature change;
  • Moisture got inside the phone, which led to oxidation of the contacts;
  • The sensor is physically damaged due to impact;
  • The sensor has moved or peeled off;
  • The SD card or SIM card is unstable;
  • The operation of any applications caused the device and the sensor of the mobile device to freeze;
  • The phone's memory is full, as a result of which the phone cannot correctly handle the touch screen;
  • The internal components of the phone have failed (board, cable, etc.);
  • Installing incorrect phone firmware led to problems with the sensor.

If the sensor doesn't work...

The sensor on the phone does not respond, what should I do?

To restore normal functionality of your phone's sensor, do the following:

  • Reboot your gadget. This often helps to effectively fix a problem with your phone's sensor;
  • Wipe the gadget screen with a soft, clean cloth (microfiber) moistened with an appropriate liquid for cleaning displays;

Clean your phone screen with a soft cloth

*#7353# - for most Android phones, especially Samsung;

In the menu that appears, select, for example, “TSP Dot Mode”, and by clicking in different areas of the screen, see which parts of the sensor are not polled, this can help fix the problem in which the touchscreen does not work.

  • If the device overheats, move it to a cool place and let it cool down;
  • Gently tap each corner of the screen a few times - this method has proven effective for many users;
  • If your protective film is not applied correctly (air bubbles, dirt, etc. are visible under it), replace the protective film (contact a specialist to install it correctly on your phone);

If necessary, replace the phone's protective film

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If the device screen is significantly damaged, only complete replacement will help.

Restoring the sensor through safe mode

To boot into safe mode, turn off the phone completely (including by removing the battery). Then, long press the Power button to turn on the gadget. When the Samsung, Nexus, LG, etc. logo appears on the screen, press the Power button and then hold down the Volume Down button. Press this button when your device boots up, and you will see the inscription “Safe mode” at the bottom left of the screen.

  • Calibrate your device if sensor functionality is not restored. To do this, you can use the appropriate applications, for example, “Touchscreen Calibration”;

Use the Touchscreen Calibration program to calibrate your device

Select "Wipe data/factory reset" to reset your phone to factory settings


If the sensor on your phone does not work, then I recommend using the tips I listed above. If it is impossible to identify the specific cause of the breakdown, I recommend taking your gadget to a service center - it is quite possible that your device will need a complete replacement of the touch panel.

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Dmitriy 08.08..08.2017

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Hello. More likely a software problem or a sensor in some place

moved away from the screen

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If under warranty, return it under warranty, since defects in these devices are a common occurrence.

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How to type commands? how to calibrate? If the sensor doesn't work, someone stupid wrote this article.

I took it to several service centers, they said the display assembly needed to be replaced - REPLACED! and no changes! and you write that this will help - nothing will help, do not mislead people!

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Android slows down: causes and solutions to the problem

Every owner of a smartphone or tablet immediately after purchase is very happy with the speed at which his device works. All operations are performed quickly, touch responses are timely and without glitches with pictures. But over time, everything changes and performance deteriorates. Why is Android slow?

Main reasons

Among the reasons why Android slows down or freezes, there are several main ones:

  • slowdown can be caused by a large number of simultaneously running applications, albeit in the background;
  • due to a recent update, a smartphone that previously did not slow down may begin to do so;
  • any device can freeze even when it starts to run out of free space;
  • a small amount of RAM can even cause the gadget to spontaneously reboot;
  • Sometimes the phone may glitch due to problems with the touchscreen.

What should you do if your phone starts to slow down for one of the reasons listed above?

Solutions to the problem

Cleaning apps

When the phone starts to slow down a lot due to power-hungry applications and background processes, then to correct the situation you need to:

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  • hold down the menu button, a list of recently launched applications will open, select “Delete all”;
  • in the Application Manager, view the list of running ones (opposite each one the operating time and the amount of RAM it occupies are indicated) and forcefully stop each one that is not needed at the moment;
  • Additionally, you can remove live wallpapers and widgets, which also greatly affect the productivity of the device;
  • It is better to remove applications that the owner of the gadget does not use altogether in order to avoid running their processes in the background in advance.

Rolling back an update

Why does my device slow down after the update? The fact is that over time, any smartphone or tablet becomes outdated, and each new version of software or Android with its additions requires more and more powerful hardware.

  1. Via Recovery. First you need to download the required firmware version to your phone and save it on your memory card. Then enter Recovery (usually using a combination of the power button and the volume rocker down). Next, install the downloaded update and reboot the phone.
  2. Through a computer. To do this, you need to download the installation file from the manufacturer’s official website and, using the software supplied with the phone (usually on a disk), install it on a gadget connected to a PC.

After this, it is advisable to disable the automatic system update function on your phone so that you do not have to repeat the procedure. You should also remember that after flashing the phone, all data may be lost, so it is better to make a backup first.

Free up internal memory and storage space

When a device runs out of RAM, it tries to replenish it using internal memory. If its volume is too small, the phone may refuse to perform any actions. In this regard, you need to periodically perform the following actions:

  • clear system and application cache;
  • by resorting to special applications, clean the system itself (this will terminate background processes);
  • synchronize media files on the cloud or with another drive and clean them from your device;
  • do not forget to carry out the same actions with a flash drive, because... A small amount of free memory on it also affects the performance of the device.

Sometimes when you run out of RAM, it’s enough to simply reboot your phone.

Screen calibration

What to do if the sensor on your phone is faulty? In this case, you need to configure the problematic display to correctly execute commands after shaking your fingers or stylus. Otherwise known as screen calibration.

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This need arises more often after mechanical damage or contact with water. And to be sure that it is the sensor on Android that is problematic, you need to:

  • remove the film;
  • Try to enter any character on the keyboard.

If a different number or letter pops up, the touchscreen will have to be calibrated. You can configure the sensor sensor using special programs (for example Touchscreen Repair), or manually. In the Play Market you can find a large number of necessary applications, and they are free.

Self-calibration is carried out as follows:

  • In the phone settings, go to the “Display” tab;
  • find the item whose name will say “calibration”;
  • put the phone on a flat surface and press calibrate (in some models the phone will offer a target, the center of which must be hit at least 3 times);
  • reboot the gadget and check the response again.

On the LG L90 smartphone, the calibration item was found in the “General” tab, “Gestures” item.

Video “Calibrating the Android touchscreen”

You can clearly see both methods of screen calibration in this video.

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The touchscreen (sensor) on an Android phone or tablet does not work well. The touchscreen (sensor) works on its own, it works some time after pressing, it is dull, lags, and does not work correctly. What to do and how to fix it?

Many users encounter a problem when their Android phone or tablet starts acting up. It seems that it didn’t fall anywhere and wasn’t “watered” with anything, but it doesn’t work as it should.

For example, the device has problems with the touchscreen, i.e. the touch input (“sensor”) does not work correctly. The reason for this may be:

1st: Software failure - i.e. the problem is a software glitch

2nd: Hardware failure - i.e. the problem is in the hardware (i.e., replacement or restoration of spare parts for the gadget is required)

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However, do not rush to get upset - in 90% of cases with problems with the touch input (touchscreen) of a smartphone or tablet based on Android, a software glitch is to blame, which you can easily fix on your own.

Fixing a software glitch:

Method 1. Quite simple - go to “settings”, find “backup and reset” there, in which you select a complete reset with deletion of all data. Be careful, using this method is often effective, but it entails deleting all photos, contacts, passwords, music, games, videos and, in general, all information stored on your smartphone or tablet. Therefore, first save everything you need by connecting the gadget to your computer. If this method does not suit you, or if after this the problem is not resolved, see Method 2.

It is based on solving problems with communication and network reception of Android phones and tablets by introducing additional software. Utilities that control all processes inside gadgets. Today, there are quite a lot of them, however, the fewer functions an application contains, the more effective it is, as a rule. The best way to monitor system functions, corrects, and corrects all possible settings and synchronization errors is a small, easy-to-use, free utility for devices based on Android Multi Cleaner. You can download the application from Google Play and see its additional options in the description HERE. After installing the application, all that remains is to launch it. Further, in principle, nothing more is required from you. The application will take full control of the device's functions. (By the way, among other things, the gadget will begin to charge 20% faster, and its performance will also increase significantly, which will affect the loading speed and operation of all applications, games, and the system as a whole. On average, after scanning, the system runs at 50% faster.)

Changing the device software, or as it is also called “flashing”. This method, as a rule, requires certain skills and can be solved by contacting the Service Center. To carry out this task yourself, you need to contact the website of the manufacturer of your device, download the utilities necessary for flashing the firmware and the firmware itself, and then reinstall it on your gadget.

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If none of the methods brings results, unfortunately, you will have to contact the Service Center to repair your tablet or smartphone.


The touchscreen (sensor) on an Android phone or tablet does not work well. The touchscreen (sensor) works on its own, it works some time after pressing, it is dull, lags, and does not work correctly. What to do and how to fix it? : 14 comments

Cool! I downloaded new software on Android and my keyboard and touch key stopped working. After installing and launching the cleaner program, everything worked!

Thank you very much.

Thank you very much, you saved me from a lot of expenses! Thanks again.

Thank you. I installed the cleaner and everything worked!

Apparently, either my hands are crooked or I was unlucky. Although it helped many of my acquaintances and friends...

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I’ll take it for repair to replace the touch screen 🙁

Thank you! I have a Sony Xperia Z Ultra. Her screen lived a life of its own, if you ran your sweaty fingers over it a little, or there were fingerprints on the screen, then it randomly opened everything, pressed everything on its own. I installed Quick Super Cleaner and that's it, the problem is solved. I don’t know what and how this software does, but it really fixed this problem.

Good afternoon How to install the program if the sensor does not work, I cannot enter the settings?

The second method helped. There was a problem - the function buttons did not work in unlocked mode. Sony Xperia Z5 phone. Everything was fixed after installing the application. Thank you.

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On the Samsung T311 planet, the touchscreen began to work only when the charging wire was connected. And then he lags horribly, you have to click on the same place 10 times. After installing this additional software, it began to work like new, it didn’t even start. I just downloaded it and rebooted it right away and it worked. A huge THANK YOU!

On the Samsung T311 tablet, the touchscreen began to work only when the charging cable was connected. And then he lags horribly, you have to click on the same place 10 times. After installing this additional software, it began to work like new, it didn’t even start. I just downloaded it and rebooted it right away and it worked. A huge THANK YOU!

Thanks for the help!

Go crazy......I was going to take it to the SC and tried everything....the screen lived its own life until I installed Multi Cleaner. it really helped, but not completely; small glitches remained; the lighter (or rather the piezo from it) saved me; I clicked it 3 times and that was it. like new. Everything flies and works! THANK YOU.

Hmmm. Something didn't help. The campaign will have to be repaired. 🙁

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The sensor on the phone presses by itself

Every year, manufacturers release dozens of new smartphone models. Some can boast of their low cost as a distinctive feature, others have high performance, others have an ergonomic design, and others are endowed with excellent energy-saving characteristics, a powerful battery and shock resistance. But none of these devices can be 100% protected from breakdowns of various types. One of these troubles is the spontaneous activation of the touchscreen, which is usually typical for Chinese budget smartphone models. Why the sensor on the phone is pressed by itself and how to deal with this problem, you will learn from the article.

Incorrect operation of the touchscreen is not the most pleasant thing, but the problem can be fixed

What are the reasons behind the spontaneous operation of the touchscreen?

Conventionally, the reasons why the sensor itself is pressed can be divided into two categories:

  • Software failure - occurs due to errors in the software (software) of the smartphone;
  • Hardware failure - errors associated with damage to the component parts of the device.

Depending on the model of your smartphone and the circumstances under which the screen malfunctioned, you can be more or less likely to say which of the above failures caused this problem. Thus, in Chinese budget models (according to statistics, most often in Alcatel and Xiaomi), the incorrect functioning of the touchscreen occurs as a result of low-quality assembly of the device and a cheap resistive display, which, as is known, is vulnerable to the accumulation of static charge on its surface. Dropping a smartphone or pressing hard on its screen can also cause problems with the operation of the touchscreen.

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However, there is no need to despair. Before claiming that screen functioning errors arose due to hardware damage, you should try to fix this problem using software methods. Let's take a closer look at them.

Checking the operation of the sensor

How to eliminate spontaneous sensor activation programmatically

So, let's look at several ways to solve this problem on our own.

Method 1: Reset your smartphone to factory settings

Depending on the smartphone model, restoring the “default” operating parameters is performed in a certain section of the settings. However, the path to them is the same for most devices; only the names of these blocks differ. Therefore, let’s look at how to reset the settings to factory defaults, using the Philips S326 smartphone as an example.

  1. So, first you should go to the “Settings” section;
  2. Here, in the “Personal Data” block, find the “Restore and Reset” tab, click on it.

To go to the factory reset options, you need to click on the “Backup and reset” tab

  • Next, in the “Return to factory settings” section, select “Reset settings”;
  • Click on “Reset settings” to go to the final window to restore default settings

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  • A window opens in which you need to click on “Reset device settings” - you’re done, reboot your smartphone and check if the problem has gone away.
  • Method 2: Screen Calibration

    Re-calibration of the touchscreen may be necessary not only in the event of a software failure, after which the sensor on the smartphone clicks on its own. After a mobile device falls from a height, falls into water, replaces the display, etc., calibration must be carried out - this can help in most of the cases listed here. Let's consider two methods that allow us to carry out this procedure.

    Screen calibration using standard tools built into the smartphone

    In those device models that have the ability to determine the tilt angle of the touchscreen as standard functionality, you can calibrate it without using special utilities. For this:

    1. Go to the “Settings” section of our device;
    2. In the “Display”, “Screen” or “Special Features” block, find the “Calibration” item and click on it;
    3. The next window suggests, as a rule, to place the phone on a flat surface and start the calibration procedure, then your device will automatically adjust the optimal touch angle and complete it.

    Using the special application “Touchgreen Calibration”

    This method is suitable for those whose smartphone models do not have built-in tools for screen calibration. The application compares favorably with similar ones, first of all, due to its ease of use, as well as the very high accuracy of determining the angle of the sensor.

    1. So, to calibrate the screen using Touchscreen Calibration, you need:
    2. Download the application from the link on Google Play -;
    3. After installation, we launch the program, in the start window we see the inscription “Calibrate” framed in a blue background, you need to click on it;

    Click on “Calibrate” to begin the touchscreen calibration process

    The calibration procedure begins, during which you will be asked to adjust the screen tilt angle in six different touch modes, we go through each of them;

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    Do not forget that the smartphone must be on a flat surface all this time for the calibration to be as accurate as possible.

    When finished, you will be prompted to reboot your device for the changes to take effect.

    Here click “Ok” and reboot the device for the changes to take effect


    If the methods described above did not help you fix sensor clicks, then the problem most likely lies in the hardware of your smartphone. There are several hardware reasons due to which the touchscreen may operate spontaneously:

    • Resistive display - this type of screen differs from capacitive ones in that it is a layer of glass on which a flexible membrane is applied; as a result, such a touchscreen wears out quickly;
    • Poor quality of double-sided tape - Chinese manufacturers, and some service centers that repair displays by replacing it, like to save on double-sided tape, which is used to fix the screen inside the case. As a result, the touchscreen does not work properly.

    For the above reasons, it is better to entrust the matter to a specialist than to try to repair the screen yourself. If you still want to do it yourself, I recommend viewing these guides on touchscreen repair:

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    The sensor on the phone does not work - what to do? Touch phone repair

    Touchscreen devices have replaced push-button phones. What has changed since this technology became firmly established in our lives? Almost everything that is in any way related to the functioning of the device. That is why a situation in which the sensor stops working requires immediate resolution. Moreover, in many cases a person has almost every chance of restoring his device. We'll talk about this in more detail later.

    Why did the sensor stop working?

    There are quite a few reasons why the sensor on your phone does not work (what to do is described below). Considering the technology of the touchscreen, as a rule, most often this control element is quite fragile and finicky. Its performance is highly dependent on weather conditions, damage, and liquid ingress.

    If a software failure occurs or the system spontaneously fails to work, problems with the operation of the sensor may occur. These shortcomings are, in principle, conditional and can be easily avoided. We can seriously say that a person is the most important factor in the performance of a mobile device. It is the actions of the owner that will determine how long the device will be in use and why the sensor on the phone does not work.

    Common touch screen problems

    Often, breakdowns occur due to mechanical damage. If the phone is dropped or deformed, the device will not function properly as a result. Impacts or other mechanical influences can cause various consequences. As a rule, they can be ordinary chips on the cover at best, or a cracked display at worst. If the deformation of the case does not affect the operation of the gadget in most cases, then the screen will need to be replaced. If the sensor stops working, then you need to pay attention to the components of the mobile device. If the case part moves away slightly from the display and you can notice a gap, then you should immediately take the phone in for repair.

    Sometimes a smartphone may stop working if liquid gets into it. Many people have absolutely no idea how water manages to get on the board, but this is a common problem.


    If the sensor on your phone does not work, it is not clear what to do, then first you need to go to the device settings. There you need to calibrate the touchscreen. This feature can often be found in the main settings. These steps can be carried out if the screen is completely in order, the body is intact, and there are no signs of deformation or oxidation. If the sensor has a perfectly smooth surface, then it is likely that the touchscreen has simply turned off.

    If the forecasts are not entirely optimistic, the sensor on the phone still does not work, what should I do? It is better to immediately start looking for a solution to your problem. In order to perform the following actions, you must have certain skills.

    Oxide Elimination

    In order to eliminate the oxide, you need to use a special tool - a Phillips and flat-head screwdriver. An unnecessary plastic card will also work. You should take alcohol, a toothbrush, an eraser and napkins. Before you disassemble your device, you need to watch a video that describes how to do it. To do this, just type your phone model into a search engine and look at reviews of it.

    You need to be careful when separating parts of the housing. There is a risk that a person’s cable may fly off, wires may break, or any parts may break. In order not to get lost with the screws, you need to draw a diagram of the phone and arrange the screws according to the drawing. All accessible places into which liquid can get should be wiped with alcohol, then with an eraser and then blotted with a napkin.

    In order to eliminate corrosion of the board, you need to use a toothbrush. Often this is the reason why the phone’s sensor has failed. Where the cables are connected, especially when it comes to the touch screen connector, it is necessary to treat it with alcohol and remove the deposits with an eraser. As a result, the surface will be dry and clean.

    If the screen peels off or shifts, then this is probably the problem. Often in such cases the phone’s sensor fails. To put the screen in place, you need to use a hairdryer. You can peel off the touchscreen from the display simply by heating it. The glue will dry, and then it will be easy to move the sensor to the desired location.

    The device must be assembled carefully and carefully, installation must be done one at a time. Don't forget about screwing in the screws. It is also necessary to put protective housings back on the microcircuits.

    Other methods: how to fix the problem

    There are many other reasons why a sensor can fail, so a person’s actions will directly depend on the failure. Sometimes you can solve this problem yourself, remembering that repairing touch phones is an expensive service. For example, if the sensor does not work due to surface contamination and does not respond to touch, then you need to wipe the screen with liquid. You should also use a soft cloth. This is necessary if the question arises about what to do - the sensor on the phone does not work.

    If the protective film was installed incorrectly and now the lower part of the sensor on the phone does not work, you need to replace this coating by cleaning the screen from dirt. Dust and dirt often get trapped under the film. This is what makes working with the sensor difficult.

    In other cases, the cause may be a software failure. This problem can be easily solved by resetting the settings or flashing the device. In the most urgent cases, you should contact the service center. We'll talk about this below.

    If the sensor on your phone does not work for no obvious reason

    If the sensor stops working for unknown reasons, it is better to contact a service center and conduct a full diagnostic of the phone. This is the only way to find out the true cause of the breakdown and eliminate it without harm to yourself or additional money spent. If the phone is still under warranty, then you can easily replace the sensor or solve the problem itself. As a rule, experts answer the question of why the sensor on the phone does not work quite quickly. This method is the most effective. If a person does not want to harm his phone, it is best to immediately contact the service center as soon as a breakdown occurs. If you are not confident in your abilities, you should not try to solve this problem yourself.


    To summarize, it is imperative to say that the phone should be treated with the utmost care. Replacing the sensor on your phone is quite a complicated process and also expensive. Therefore, it is best to provide your device with the most ideal operating conditions. There is no need to throw it away or treat it carelessly. You should definitely periodically wipe the screen and change the protective film, only then can you really achieve excellent and long-term operation of the touch screen. If the gadget is under warranty, then replacing the sensor on the phone will be a free service.

    Many owners of Android devices with a touch screen often encounter a problem when the screen “does not listen to them.” That is, when you touch the touchscreen with your finger or stylus at one point, the phone perceives it as a touch at a completely different point. Or the sensor completely carries out orders only after 3-4 attempts. And most likely the cause of these problems is the incorrect operation of the screen, and to fix it, you need to calibrate the touchscreen of the Android device.

    Android touchscreen calibration: Video

    What it is?

    Screen calibration is the process of adjusting the touch display to correctly execute commands when touched with your fingers or a stylus. Of course, you can work with your device without such settings, but then get ready to waste your nerves, time and other troubles.

    This procedure is required in most cases after the phone has been dropped, especially in water. Replacing the screen, a water stain underneath, even the smallest damage may require urgent adjustments. Checking whether you need calibration is as easy as shelling pears. First, remove the protective film so that the sensor operation is as clear as possible, then simply enter a number or letter. If you selected, say, “B”, and “A” appeared on the screen, then rest assured that you need to configure the touchscreen.

    There are two main types of screens used in the production of Android devices: capacitive and resistive. Capacitive is now used in the vast majority, as it is more reliable and of higher quality. But problems often arise with resistive ones, and they require tuning more often. But it’s fortunate that these days they are rarely used - only in outdated or budget models.

    Android sensor calibration: programs, setup: Video

    How to calibrate the screen on Android?

    Configuration using special programs

    In free, and most importantly - free, access, you can find a lot of software for screen calibration. They are easy to install, easy to operate and, most importantly, produce results. For example, Clinometer, TOPON, Bubble - just look at Google Play. But? even if you do not have access to Google Play, you can adjust the display without it using the second method.


    In order to independently adjust the touchscreen of Android 4 (or another version) without any problems, we will present you with step-by-step instructions:

    1. The first step, of course, is to go to the Settings menu.
    2. Next, select “Phone Settings”.
    3. Find the “Calibration” item and a target cross with a dot inside will appear in front of you.
    4. We aim at the center of the target several times (3 will be enough).
    5. After this, your device will remember the touches and calibration can be considered complete.
    6. After completing the setup, check the operation of the sensor. If exactly the symbol you clicked on appears on the screen, then everything was done correctly. Congratulations! ()

    Setting touch screen sensitivity on Android: Video

    Contacting the service center

    Now you know two ways to calibrate the screen on your Android device yourself. But there is a third option for setting up your device - an official or private service center. It would seem, why contact the master for such a trifle? But such a problem is not always a trifle. It happens that the cause of the breakdown is not due to lost settings, but to a serious breakdown or manufacturing defect of the display. In this case, it is really better to contact the service if the first two do not work.

    Ergonomic touch devices have arrived. What has changed with the use of new technology? Yes, almost everything related to management functionality. Therefore, the tricky situation when the sensor on the phone does not work requires immediate resolution. Moreover, in some cases, the user has every chance to make repairs on his own. However, we read about this and much more below.

    Why did the sensor stop working?

    There can be an incredible variety of reasons. Despite the high technology, in most cases the control element is fragile and quite “picky”. The functional abilities of such a modern “miracle” are completely dependent on a variety of influencing factors:

    • weather conditions,
    • mechanical damage,
    • contact with conductive liquid.

    A software glitch or spontaneous system failure may also be responsible for the fact that the sensor on the phone does not work. Of course, all these disadvantages are conditional, because it plays a major role in the life of the mobile device being used. The performance of the device and its operational efficiency depend specifically on our actions.

    Common touch screen problems

    Mechanical damage most often leads to various breakdowns. Falling and deformation are unique champions of the common excuse: “I didn’t do anything, I was just riding in a crowded minibus” or “It’s not my fault that it’s so slippery.” The consequences of impact and excessive pressure on the device can be different. From an innocent chip on the case cover to the cobweb-like pattern of a cracked display. The case may endure, but the touchscreen and screen will need to be replaced. If the sensor on your phone does not work, you should pay special attention to the structural parts of the mobile phone. In the case when the body part of the device moves away from the touchscreen and you visually see a gap formed or find that it has moved, you need to install the parts in place. Sometimes a smartphone loses its sensor functionality due to a small amount of liquid getting inside the gadget. Moreover, you often have no idea how water ends up in the depths of the device. Although you should know that condensation will choose the most unfavorable moment to show its destructive abilities. Check contact pads and connector sockets for oxidation. Physical defects: screen flickering, image distortion and other non-standard manifestations in the phone’s operation may indicate that the device needs emergency repair. Procrastination and delay in seeking professional help is not in your best interest...

    What you're capable of: doing it yourself doesn't mean it's counterproductive

    If the sensor on your phone is not working well, first calibrate the touchscreen. Typically, this function is available in the main settings window of your device. Such actions are carried out when the device is clearly in good working order, when the body is intact, no signs of deformation or oxidation are found, and the sensor reflects the glare of light with an impeccably smooth surface. If the forecasts are not entirely rosy, you will have to reincarnate as a mobile device repair engineer. Since subsequent actions require certain skills and specific knowledge.

    Removing oxide and positioning the touchpad

    Arm yourself with a special (mobile) tool: Phillips and flat-head screwdrivers, an unnecessary plastic card (bank or other type). Prepare alcohol, a clean toothbrush, an eraser and regular table napkins.


    If all your manipulations have a favorable outcome, your touchscreen should work. If everything remains unchanged and the sensor on the phone also does not work, then only replacing this component of the control system will help you. What is not recommended to do at home? Therefore, you cannot avoid a visit to the workshop. Take care of your sensor!

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