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Social studies test 1 politics and power. Social studies test "politics, power, state, political regimes"

Test work on the topic “Power”

1. What is the main force regulating relations in society:

a) friendship; b) love; c) power.

2. What helps parents exercise parental authority:

a) physical strength; b) position in society; c) authority in the eyes of children.

3. What type of power is the power of the leader of a street company:

a) informal; b) executive; c) official.

4. What is the power of parliamentarians (we have deputies of the State Duma):

5. What type of power is the power of the minister:

a) executive; b) legislative; c) judicial.

6. What is the power of the Constitutional Court:

a) executive; b) legislative; c) judicial.

7. What gives power the highest power:

a) the habit of citizens towards it; b) fear; c) reliance on the authority of God.

8. The ability and ability of some to influence the behavior and activities of others:

a) politics; b) power; c) imitation

9. Legislative power in the Russian Federation is exercised by ... (parliament), consisting of two chambers:

a) Federation Council; b) State Duma; c) Federal Assembly;

10. The one to whom the influence of power is directed is:

a) subject of power; b) object of power; c) power resource;

11. The term “legitimacy” comes from the Latin. Legitum:

a) eternal; b) kind; c) legal.

12. Executive power in Russia is exercised by:

a) President of the Russian Federation; b) Government of the Russian Federation; c) Parliament of the Russian Federation;

13. Justice in the Russian Federation is carried out:

a) the highest bodies of state power;

b) executive authorities;

c) only by court;

14. In democratic political systems, political power is divided into legislative, executive and judicial power - this is the implementation of:

a) the principle of separation of powers;

b) social contract theory;

c) Aristotle’s teachings about the “correct” forms of government;

15. Are the following judgments about the separation of powers true:

A. The principle of separation of powers is that there are three branches of government with strictly defined functions.

B. The principle of separation of powers presupposes the existence of a system of “checks and balances.”

16. Political power is vested in:

a) school director; c) member of parliament;

b) fitness club manager; d) father of the family;

17. Are the following judgments about the separation of powers true:

A. To protect the rights of citizens, strong and independent branches of government are necessary.

B. The principle of separation of powers is not mandatory for a democratic state.

a) only A is true; c) both judgments are correct;

b) only B is true; d) both judgments are incorrect;

18. Political power is vested in:

a) head of the construction site; c) secretary of the head of the company;

b) regional governor; d) library director;

19. Are the following judgments about the essence of power true:

A) Power is the ability of one party to influence the behavior of another, regardless of the latter's wishes.

B) Power is a mechanism for organizing and regulating the joint activities of people.

a) only A is true c) only B is true

b) both judgments are correct d) both judgments are incorrect.

20. All the terms listed below, with the exception of one, refer to types of government power:

Executive, direct, legislative, judicial.

Find and indicate the term that “falls out” from this series.

21. Fill out the diagram:

Test work in social studies 9th grade topics: Politics, power, state, political regimes.

    What are the characteristics of any type of state?

1) the presence of a bicameral parliament

2) monopoly right to make laws

3) popular election of the head of state

4) multi-party system

    Are the following judgments about the form of the state correct?

A) The form of a state is the totality of its external features, the order and methods of organizing the highest authorities, the implementation of political and state power.

B) Depending on the form of government, unitary and federal states are distinguished.

    Are the following judgments about the separation of powers in the Russian Federation correct?

A) The Government of the Russian Federation develops and adopts the state budget, controls its execution

B) The Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation is the highest executive body

    Establish a correspondence between the examples and the functions of the state that they illustrate: for each element given in the first column, select the corresponding element from the second column.

A) ensuring law and order by law enforcement agencies

B) the president signing a treaty of friendship and cooperation with the head of a neighboring state

C) development by the government of a long-term program for the economic development of the country

D) participation of the state’s army in military exercises together with the army of another state

D) government funding for the construction of roads and railways




    What characteristic is inherent in any state?

1) mutual responsibility of the state and citizens

2) the presence of a professional management apparatus

3) free elections on an alternative basis

4) federal structure

    In state Z, the head of state receives power by inheritance, laws are adopted by the legislative assembly and executed by the government of the country. What is the form of government in country Z?

1) republic

2) dictatorship

3) monarchy

4) federation

    Are the following statements about democracy true?

A) Democracy presupposes the political equality of citizens.

B) Democracy guarantees a wide range of personal freedom and human rights.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

    In a social studies lesson, the teacher talked about the state and political parties. Compare the activities of the state and a political party. Select and write down the ordinal numbers of the similarities in the first column of the table, and the ordinal numbers of the differences in the second.

    The exclusive right to adopt generally binding norms

    development of political programs

    Representing the interests of the entire society

    Legal Compliance


Traits of difference

    The ability and ability of an individual or group of society to subordinate other people to their will is

1) power 2) prestige 3) socialization 4) adaptation

    Are the following judgments about the federal structure of the Russian Federation correct?

A) The federal center has exclusive jurisdiction over issues of ownership, use and disposal of land.

B) The state language of the Russian Federation throughout its territory is Russian.

    only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

    The characteristics of any type of state include

    Separation and independence of powers

    Diversity of political parties

    Collection of taxes from citizens and enterprises

    Rule of law

    In State Z, members of parliament can invite any minister to their meeting with a report on the work done by his department. In turn, the government has the right to appeal to the Constitutional Court to establish the compliance of the law adopted by parliament with the Constitution of the country. The president can dismiss the government. Based on the above facts, we can conclude that in state Z

    There is a separation of powers

    The President has full power

    A federal republic was formed

    Are the following judgments about government bodies in the Russian Federation true?

A) The Government of the Russian Federation exercises judicial functions

B) The authority of the Federation Council includes approval of changes in borders between constituent entities of the Russian Federation

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

    State power is exercised

1) chairman of the board of the bank

2) university rector

3) leader of the opposition party

4) chairman of the government

    State Z is divided into counties on a territorial basis. County heads are appointed by the chairman of the state government. Counties do not have their own constitutions. Based on the data presented, we can conclude that Z

    Federal State

    Monarchical state

    Unitary state

    Republican state

    Are the following statements about citizen participation in political life in a democratic society correct?

A) a form of direct participation of citizens in political life is public discussion of bills

B) Citizens can participate in political life by contacting government bodies.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

    The Constitution of the Russian Federation establishes the principle of state sovereignty. What is its essence?

    The supremacy of the state power of the Russian Federation and federal legislation is established in all territories of Russia.

    Republican rule was established in Russia

    The Russian Federation ensures the supremacy of the Constitution, the guarantee of the rights and freedoms of citizens and people

    The multinational people of Russia are the only source and bearer of state power

    The state, in a market economy, ensures the construction of railways. What economic function does it perform in this case?

    Organization of production of public goods

    Controlling the volume of money supply

    Legislative regulation of entrepreneurship

    Support for competition

    Which of the following is a form of government?



    Unitary state


    Which of the following features distinguishes a rule of law state?

    The operation of the law in the country regulating the activities of political parties

    The presence of an army formed on a contract basis

    Realization and provision of human and civil rights and freedoms

    Formation of an advisory council under the president from the leaders of leading political parties

Answers to the test

1. Find a concept that is generalizing for all other concepts in the series presented below, and write down the number under which it is indicated.

1) Form of state; 2) republic; 3) monarchy; 4) federation; 5) form of government.

2. Find a concept that is generalizing for all other concepts in the series presented below, and write down the number under which it is indicated.

1) Democracy; 2) totalitarian society; 3) political regime; 4) authoritarian state; 5) dictatorship.

3. Find a concept that is generalizing for all other concepts in the series presented below, and write down the number under which it is indicated.

a. Parliament; 2) government; 3) court of general jurisdiction; 4) authority; 5) arbitration court.

4. What type of party system has developed in modern Russia?

1) multi-party; 2) bipartisan; 3) one-party; 4) non-partisan.

  1. What form of government was established in the Russian Federation
    according to the 1993 Constitution

1) parliamentary republic 3) mixed republic;

2) presidential republic; 4) limited monarchy.

6. Which of these political processes characterizes the current stage of modernization?

1) formation of a one-party system; 2) increased isolation from the outside world;

3) development of political pluralism;

4) collapsing the institutions of direct democracy.

  1. Which of these political processes characterizes the current stage of modernization in Russia?

1) nationalization of all media;

2) introduction of irremovability of managers;

3) formation of a multi-party system;

4) the presence of a single ideological platform for all parties.

  1. What method of presidential elections has been introduced in the Russian Federation?

1) decision of the electoral college from the regions; s

9. Are the following judgments about political power true?

A) political power is one of the types of public power;

B) an important feature of political power is the exercise of control in

on the scale of society as a whole.

10. Are the following judgments about political power true?

A) a particular manifestation of political power is the power of the father in the family;

B) political power, unlike other authorities, has a wide range of resources,

including power, regulatory, information, financial.

1) only A is true 3) both A and B are true;

2) only B is true 4) both judgments are incorrect.

  1. Are the following judgments about government power true? Government:

A) is a manifestation of political power;

B) carried out through certain government institutions, has an apparatus

control and coercion.

1) only A is true 3) both A and B are true;

2) only B is true 4) both judgments are incorrect.

12. Are the following judgments about political institutions true?

A) for modern society the importance of the media is increasing as

an institution that carries out the political socialization of citizens;

B) a political institution that mediates between society and

the state is the parties.

1) only A is true 3) both A and B are true;

2) only B is true 4) both judgments are incorrect.

13. Are the following judgments about political parties true?

A) an important feature of a political party is the stability of its composition and the presence of a program;

B) the party strives to gain and exercise political power.

1) only A is true 3) both A and B are true;

2) only B is true 4) both judgments are incorrect.

14. Fill in the missing word in the phrase of the German sociologist Max Weber.

15. Fill in the missing word in the phrase of the German sociologist Max Weber.

“Power is the ability of one individual in certain social conditions to carry out

own…….despite the resistance of the other.”

16. Read the text and complete tasks C1-C2

“In modern conditions, for the majority of the population, the main, and often the only form of participation in politics is the electoral process. Elections in democratic countries cover all levels of government: from central to local. General elections allow voters to make an informed choice in favor of the program for the further development of the country that best suits their interests.

During the election campaign, it is important to ensure equality of opportunity for all parties and candidates participating in the elections. To achieve this, in many countries the state takes over the financing of election campaigns. Another principle concerns the organization of pre-election discussions: candidates undertake to avoid falsifications and insults to their

opponents. And finally, during this period the state apparatus must remain neutral, without interfering in the course of the election campaign.

The laws of many countries specify the requirements for candidates for elected public office. They most often include a minimum age limit, a residency requirement, and professional suitability for the position sought.

Currently, the vast majority of countries have universal suffrage. At the same time, in a number of states voting is not only a right, but also an obligation. Failure to comply will result in a penalty, most often a fine.

C1. Highlight the main semantic parts of the text. Give each one a title.

(make an outline of the text).


Determine what forms of government we are talking about, title the columns of the table and distribute the characteristics of these forms of government presented below accordingly.

The student asked a classmate to check his work, highlight all the mistakes made in it and number them. A classmate was not up to par. Instead of SIX errors that were actually in the work, he discovered ten.

Your task: by writing next to the corresponding number “yes” (if the statement contained in the work is actually true) or “no” (if the statement contained in the work is really wrong), correct those statements that you consider to be erroneous.

The most important feature of the state is territorial integrity.(1) Each state has inherent sovereignty, which is expressed in the supremacy of the state in internal affairs and independence in external matters.(2) However, in the presence of a multi-party system, state power According to the law, it must take into account the opinions of political parties.(3) In the twentieth century. Mass political parties played a major role in the political systems of various states, emerged in the middle of the 19th century.(4) An important characteristic of the state is the form of government, reflecting distribution of power within the territory of the state.(5) Based on the form of government, a distinction is made between monarchies and republics. Monarchies are divided into absolute and limited. In addition, there is a dualistic monarchy, in which there is a duality of supreme power. The monarch retains full legislative power, while the executive belongs to parliament.(6) At the present stage, monarchies have been preserved mainly traditional and formal features.(7) Another characteristic of the state is the form of government, which reflects mechanism of relations between state and society.(8) In the modern world, federations predominate in the form of government. (9) The constituent parts of the federation are relatively independent state entities. There are national and territorial federations. Historical experience has shown that national federations, generally do not stand the test of time. (10)












Find in the list a term denoting a subject of political activity -


IN 1

Which word is missing from the diagram:


C1. Article No. 47 of the Basic State Laws of the Russian Empire (1906) stated: “The Russian Empire is governed on the firm basis of laws, charters and institutions emanating from autocratic power.” What form of government is enshrined in the given fragment of laws? Give two characteristic features of this form of government.


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