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Moldavian placinda recipe. Moldavian placindas - delicious recipes for a hearty dish with fillings for every taste

One can argue for a long time about what Moldavian placinca is - a flatbread or a pie. Both options have supporters and opponents. Everyone agrees on one thing, placindas - it's amazingly delicious.

How else? When the taste of the fried crust and delicious filling of cottage cheese or feta cheese, potatoes, cabbage, or just makes your head spin. And over time they began to appear new filling options: with minced meat, fried mushrooms, vegetables.

Of course, the scope for imagination is not limited. But still, a classic is a classic. Every Sunday in Moldova there are placintas and red wine on the table! Who wouldn't want to spend a Sunday like this?

Shape of placintas- a large, flat envelope. A unique message from Moldovan cuisine to food lovers: eat for health and live long!

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Moldovan placindas with cottage cheese and herbs

What you will need:

flour - 0.4 kg;
water - 0.2 l;
vegetable oil - 0.05 l;
cottage cheese - 0.5 kg;
green onions - 0.1 kg;
dill - 0.05 kg;
chicken egg - 2 pcs.

What to do:

Pour a spoonful of vegetable oil into warm water, add salt, stirring continuously, gradually add sifted flour. Knead the listed ingredients into unleavened dough without lumps. Set the dough aside for half an hour.

While the dough is resting, you need to prepare the filling. To do this, you need to combine pureed cottage cheese, chopped dill, green onions cut into thin rings, beat in eggs, add salt. Spicy lovers add finely chopped red hot pepper.

Divide the finished dough into seven equal parts. Form them into balls. Flatten them into flat cakes, coat them with butter, and stack one on top of the other. Leave for five minutes.

Lubricate the surface of the desktop with vegetable oil. Take a flat cake and roll it out until the dough is translucent. Fold the edges to form a square.

Place the filling in the middle of the square wrap it in an envelope. Form the remaining placintas in the same way. You need to fry them in a frying pan over medium heat, without oil, on both sides.

Placindas with pumpkin

What you will need:

kefir - 0.25 l;
butter - 0.1 kg;
flour - 0.4 kg;
soda - 0.003 kg;
salt - 0.008 kg;
pumpkin - 0.3 kg;
sugar - 0.05 kg;
chicken egg - 1 pc.

What to do:

Heat the kefir a little. Dissolve baking soda and salt in it. Beat in the egg and mix. Knead the dough. If the dough turns out watery, add flour. Cover the dough with cling film and set aside.

Melt the butter. Cool.

pumpkin grate with a coarse grater. Pour sugar and salt into the container with the pumpkin. If you are preparing salted placintas, you can add pepper and spices. If you cook sweet placindas- add granulated sugar.

Divide the dough into four equal-sized pieces. Form into balls. Roll each into an elongated flat cake. Coat one half of it with dissolved butter and cover with the other half.

Repeat the procedure: Coat half of the cake with butter and cover with the dry part. It looks like a triangle of four layers. Fold it in half (there will already be eight layers), fold the edge towards the center to make a square. Leave the workpiece to rest for a few minutes and form it into a flat cake.

Place the filling in the center of the resulting round and form an envelope. Fry the placintas in a frying pan on both sides in vegetable oil until golden color. Place one on top of the other on a plate. Cut the finished pieces into triangles and serve.

Placindas with potatoes

What you will need:

water - 0.13 l
vegetable oil - 0.05 l;
flour - 0.24 kg;
potatoes - 0.17 kg;
parsley (greens).

What to do:

Prepare the dough from flour, water, salt and soda, adding vegetable oil drop by drop. Knead. Leave to rest.

Divide the prepared dough into three identical parts. Roll into thin cakes.

Either cut the potatoes into thin slices or grate them with a coarse grater. Add a little vegetable oil, salt and pepper to the bowl with the potatoes.

Add finely chopped herbs and mix the filling.

Coat the rounds with vegetable oil and stretch them to the sides with your hands. Place the filling in a square in the middle of the cake and form an envelope.

Fry in a hot frying pan, starting from the seam side of the envelope, for five minutes. Carefully turn over and cook the same amount on the second side. The fire doesn't have to be strong otherwise the filling will be soggy.

More tasty:

Placindas with cheese

What you will need:

water - 0.25 l;
flour - 0.5 kg;
vegetable oil - 0.12 l;
feta cheese - 0.4 kg.

What to do:

First of all, prepare a simple unleavened dough from water, salt, flour and vegetable oil (0.01 l). Divide it into six equal-sized pieces. Let it rest for a quarter of an hour.

Then coat each part with vegetable oil and form small rounds from them. Put them one on top to make it three double cakes. Let stand again for a quarter of an hour. After this, roll out the resulting double cakes as thin as possible.

The cheese can be punched with a blender or grated with a grater. If desired, add chopped herbs, salt and pepper.

Form envelopes. Fry in vegetable oil until golden brown.

I decided - the filling will be cottage cheese + 1/3 salted cheese + greens like dill and green onions + raw egg

mix everything well.

Preparing stretch dough

you will need 4 of these things

2 cups sifted flour,

half a glass of water at room temperature

3 tablespoons vegetable oil

1 spoon of vinegar

salt sugar.

Knead the dough. It should not be too soft and elastic. Let it rest for about 20 minutes.

then we divide it into koloboks the size of a fist.

I roll out the bun and then stretch it out with my palms (if you have a manicure, be careful because it breaks, it’s delicate here), in short, the thinner the better.

Once we have achieved the desired result, grease the rolled out dough with a little vegetable oil.

We spread the filling,

roll it into a roll, just not tightly so that the air lingers there a little, then roll it like a snail - like this

I fry in vegetable oil, don’t be greedy - calculate so that 1/3 of the still raw placinda drowns in the heated oil. The heat is very moderate (so that the layers have time to bake and the crust does not burn)

When I turn it over to the other side, I cover it with a lid. It still turns out crispy.

Serve piping hot.

On the contrary, we take it out of the refrigerator, i.e. beetroot soup.

This is a Balkan style lunch.

We also have the following homemade traditional fillings:

Raw potatoes on a grater, squeeze, add cracklings, raw egg, salt and pepper.

Boiled crushed potatoes with fried (until nice golden brown) onions, salt and pepper,

Stewed cabbage with a boiled egg - where without it;)

Grated pumpkin, raw with sugar.

Grated apples + sugar + cinnamon

Grated apples + crumbled halva.

Grated apples + crushed walnuts,

proportions are taken optionally. Something like that;)

Yes! Where there are raw potatoes or pumpkin in the filling, you need to calculate the frying time and temperature so that the filling also has time to bake.

Moldavian placintas are incredibly tasty flatbreads, which are traditionally made using choux pastry. You can choose either salty or sweet filling: cottage cheese, apples, pumpkin, potatoes, cabbage. This is analogous to pies, the main thing is to learn how to sculpt them correctly.

How to prepare Moldovan placintas?

Thin Moldavian placintas are a source of pride for housewives, since rolling out the dough well without damaging it is a special art. It is also considered a national Romanian dish, but it has taken root more in Moldova, therefore it is considered a treat of Moldavian cuisine. To make the products juicy and tasty, you should know some secrets:

  1. To prevent the “envelopes” with the filling from opening during frying, place the workpiece in the frying pan, seam side down.
  2. Moldavian placindas will turn out more juicy if they are fried in a mixture of vegetable and butter.
  3. To prevent the onion in the filling from becoming bitter, you need to pour boiling water over it.

The biggest difficulty is learning how to sculpt placindas correctly. There are several methods, the most original is the “eight-leaf” method:

Placinda dough is prepared according to a special recipe, although you can make it unleavened or with yeast. Of the most proven - time and experience - choux pastry is in demand. There are no particular difficulties in preparing it; you just need to carefully follow the recipe and take into account the taste characteristics of the filling.


  • flour – 2 cups;
  • salt – 1 teaspoon;
  • soda – 0.5 teaspoon;
  • vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • boiling water – 1 cup.


  1. Pour boiling water into a bowl, add oil and salt, stir.
  2. Add flour.
  3. Beat with a whisk, then knead by hand.
  4. Cover with a towel for 20 minutes to cool.

It is believed that placintas with pumpkin were the first to be prepared in Moldova, since this is the most inexpensive and delicious vegetable that is easy to grow. Salty and sweet products were often prepared at the same time; salt and pepper were added to the pumpkin for the savory ones, and sugar or honey for the sweet ones. Sweeteners are added before rolling the cake.


  • pumpkin – 300 g;
  • sugar or honey - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • butter – 100 g.


  1. Melt the butter, cool.
  2. Grate the pumpkin, then simmer until the moisture evaporates. Add salt or sugar.
  3. Make tortillas.
  4. Place the filling in the center and fold the dough into an “envelope”.
  5. Fry on both sides.

Moldovan placintas are famous not only with pumpkin, but also with potatoes. It can be placed raw, but then it will take longer to fry the products. It's easier and faster to use boiled potatoes. Mashed potatoes with the addition of milk and butter must be prepared in advance, then the potato dumplings will be easier to sculpt.


  • potatoes – 170 g;
  • parsley - a bunch;
  • butter – 50 g.


  1. If potatoes are used raw, grate them, add oil, salt and pepper. Cool the puree filling.
  2. Season with chopped herbs and stir.
  3. Roll out the flatbreads, place the filling in the center, and roll up like an envelope.
  4. Fry.

The recipe for preparing sweet placinda is not complicated; the easiest way is to make it. You can use raw fruits, but they are much tastier when stewed with sugar and cinnamon. The apples are soft and tender, with an original taste. Experienced chefs recommend choosing sour varieties that go well with sugar.


  • apples – 5-6 pcs;
  • sugar – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • cinnamon - a quarter of a teaspoon or a pinch.


  1. Peel the apples and cut into pieces.
  2. Add sugar and cinnamon, stir. Stew the apples with sugar until they become soft.
  3. Cool and place on flatbreads.
  4. Form “envelopes” and fry.

Placindas with cottage cheese are also prepared in two versions: sweet, with honey or sugar, and salty, with the addition of herbs. For the filling, you can use cottage cheese of any fat content; it is important that it is not liquid or sour. It is advisable to add a tablespoon of butter to the dough, otherwise it will be too dry and difficult to knead.


  • cottage cheese – 500 g;
  • onion – 1 bunch;
  • dill – 1 bunch;
  • eggs – 2 pcs;
  • salt pepper.


  1. If you chose Moldavian placindas, the recipe for the salty filling is to grind the cottage cheese with herbs, add raw eggs and pepper. For sweets, add sugar or honey to taste.
  2. Roll out the dough into flat cakes.
  3. Place the filling and form into a square.
  4. Fry.

The recipe for placinda with cabbage has several options. In summer, it is better to prepare the filling from fried or, you can make minced meat in equal parts. In winter, when this vegetable is less juicy, Moldovan traditional placindas are prepared from pickled or pickled varieties. It is recommended to add 2 tablespoons of butter to the dough to make it softer and not crumble.


  • cabbage – 700 g;
  • onion – 1 piece;
  • salt pepper.


  1. Squeeze the sauerkraut to drain the brine.
  2. Fry the onion in butter, add cabbage, simmer for 5 minutes. Cool.
  3. Form thin cakes, spread out the filling, and form “envelopes”. Fry.

Another traditional Romanian and Moldavian recipe is placinda with cheese. The most common option is with herbs, but you can add boiled eggs, cottage cheese, and hard cheese. Products with brine cheese taste best, you just need to squeeze it out a little. Hard cheese is grated; too hard cheese is softened with milk.


  • feta cheese – 400 g;
  • dill – 1 bunch;
  • eggs – 4 pcs;
  • salt.


  1. Mash soft cheese, grate hard cheese. Add salt.
  2. Boil the eggs, chop finely, mix with cheese.
  3. Chop the dill and add to the mixture.
  4. Roll out the flatbreads, spread out the filling, form into squares.

Baking lovers are better off choosing, only then they will have to cook the placintas in the oven. For this recipe, the shape of balls is suitable so that the products are well baked. You can choose any filling, but the most delicious for cooking in the oven is called apple-curd, with the addition of sugar and vanilla.


  • dry yeast – 5 g;
  • sugar – 1 teaspoon;
  • water – 400 ml;
  • flour – 800 g;
  • apples – 5 pcs;
  • vanilla – 50 g;
  • cottage cheese – 500 g.


  1. Knead the dough from yeast, water, sugar and flour. The dough should rest for 20 minutes.
  2. Form into balls.
  3. Grate the apples and sprinkle with sugar.
  4. Roll out the flatbreads and grease with butter.
  5. Place the filling and roll the flatbread along its entire length.
  6. Fold into a ball and place on a greased baking sheet.
  7. Brush with raw egg.
  8. Bake for 35 minutes at 200 degrees.

Layered placintas - recipe

The most difficult to prepare is considered to be placinda made from puff pastry, which is made with yeast or yogurt. But you will have to spend a lot of time creating several layers of treats. According to experienced chefs, the most delicious Moldovan multi-layer placindas are made with cheese and garlic filling.


  • cottage cheese – 1 kg;
  • feta cheese - 200 g;
  • garlic powder – 50-100 g;
  • parsley – 1 bunch;
  • dill – 1 bunch;
  • basil – 1 bunch.


  1. Cut the cheese and mix with cottage cheese.
  2. Add salt and garlic powder, beaten egg, chopped herbs.
  3. To stir thoroughly.
  4. Roll out the dough into a thin layer, up to 1 mm thick.
  5. Grease half of the layer with oil, cover with the other half, folding the sheet in half. Grease half the layer again and fold. Repeat the procedure until you reach 5-6 layers.
  6. Lightly press the resulting square with a rolling pin.
  7. Place all the products on a baking sheet, pierce each with a fork.
  8. Brush with melted butter.
  9. Bake at 250 degrees until golden brown.

Since preparing the dough takes time and experience, many housewives have discovered a quick recipe with pumpkin. This vegetable cooks quickly and gives an original taste. You can add cottage cheese to the mixture. It is better to stew the pumpkin first, since pita bread is fried much faster than dough products.

To prepare placintas, you can make yeast dough in various variations. The simplest thing is with milk. To diversify its taste, you can add tomato sauce or ketchup. It turns out quite interesting.

Pour milk heated to 38 degrees into a deep bowl. Then immediately add dry yeast and sugar. Stir to dissolve the yeast and leave for 10 minutes. The yeast should bloom and then your baked goods will turn out fluffy and tender.

Add 1/3 of the flour and stir the dough with a whisk.

Pour in tomato sauce.

Add oil. It is better to take refined, odorless.

Gradually add the remaining flour, kneading the soft dough. It should not stick to your hands.

Place the finished dough on the table and cut into 5-6 pieces. Cover with something and let it sit for 20-25 minutes.

Grate the cheese on a coarse grater, chop the dill. Add a little salt and stir.

Roll out one part of the dough and place the filling on it as in the photo.

Fold the edges of the dough towards the center.

Using a rolling pin, flatten the cake even more so that you get a thin, uniform circle.

Place the placintas on a greased baking sheet and brush the top with egg.

Bake at 170 degrees for about 25-30 minutes.

Choose greens to suit your taste - parsley or basil will also work. If you don't have fresh, add dried.

In Moldavian cuisine, one of the most sought-after and popular dishes is placintas. In appearance, they resemble both flat cakes and pies, and come in round or square shapes. You can prepare them from any dough of your choice - yeast, kefir, unleavened and puff pastry. The fillings are also varied: placindas with pumpkin, potatoes, meat, apple, sweet or salty cottage cheese... Today you will learn how to cook yeast placindas with cabbage in the oven and placindas in a frying pan with cottage cheese and herbs from unleavened dough. Recipes for placindas can be considered basic and can be used to prepare a delicious dish with any other filling.

Moldovan placinda with cottage cheese and egg

You will need:

  • 200-220 ml – refined vegetable oil,
  • 1.2 kg – sifted wheat flour,
  • 750 ml – slightly warm water,
  • 80 g each – dill and green onions,
  • 5 – eggs,
  • pepper and salt - to taste.

how to cook placintas in a frying pan

Mix the flour with a little salt and pour it onto the work surface in a heap. Make a hole. Gradually add water while kneading the dough. The dough should come out homogeneous and elastic. Then roll into a ball and cover with a napkin.

For the filling, grind the cottage cheese through a sieve. Chop the onion and dill, mix with cottage cheese and eggs, adding salt and pepper to taste.

Divide the dough into 17-20 portions, roll each into a ball. Roll out thinly into squares or circles.

Place the filling in the middle of the flatbreads, leaving the edges a little free. Fold the edges of the dough towards the middle crosswise, pinching it in the middle.

Heat the oil in a frying pan. Place the placintas with the flat side up. Fry on each side for no more than 6-8 minutes until lightly browned.

Placintas are great both hot and cold. They look not only appetizing, but also original! But, most importantly, preparing is as simple as shelling pears. Enjoy!

Recipe No. 2

Placindas in the oven recipe with photos step by step

Yeast placintas in the oven will replace bread for you and will be an excellent snack that you can take with you. As in the first recipe, you can fry the tortillas with the filling in a frying pan (dry or with added oil).

Placindas with stewed cabbage can be made from traditional yeast dough with milk. Even if you don’t add eggs or butter to it, it will turn out fluffy and tender. There is a long cooking option - on dough, and there is a quick one. Choose the one you can use at the moment.
Let's look at the recipe for placintas with dough.


Dough for placintas:

  • wheat flour (premium grade) – 10 tbsp. heaped spoon,
  • milk 2.6% - 280-300 ml,
  • salt – 0.5 teaspoons,
  • dry instant yeast - 1.5 teaspoons,
  • granulated sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons,
  • vegetable oil – 2 tbsp. spoons,
  • chicken egg – 1 pc. for lubrication,
  • oregano (or Italian herbs) – 1 teaspoon.
  • white cabbage – 1 head,
  • blue onion – ½ pc.,
  • carrots – ½ pcs.,
  • vegetable oil – 40 ml,
  • homemade tomato sauce – 5 tbsp. spoons,
  • salt - to taste,
  • spices (all-purpose) – 1-2 teaspoons.

Cooking process:

Pour 38 degrees milk into a bowl. Add sugar and yeast, stir and leave for 5-7 minutes.

Then add 5 heaping tablespoons of flour and stir again. Now leave the dough for 1-2 hours.

Pour in vegetable oil.

Knead the dough, it will already have a certain structure, and leave it again for 1 hour.

At this time, make the filling. Place the chopped onion in a frying pan or multicooker bowl with oil and fry it in the multicooker on the “Fry” mode. Add grated carrots and stir.

Pour in the shredded cabbage and switch to the “Stew” mode.

Pour in tomato sauce. Add salt and spices and stir well. Close the lid and simmer for 25-30 minutes.

The filling is ready. Cool it, otherwise the airy dough will “creep”.

The dough for placindas has increased slightly in volume. Add the rest of the flour and knead it again.

Divide the base into 4 parts.

Roll out the dough and place the filling on it.

Fold the edges of the tortilla towards the center and trim the edges.

Place the placintas on greased parchment. Brush the top with egg and sprinkle with oregano.

Bake the placintas in the oven, preheating it, at 170 degrees for 30-40 minutes.

Bon appetit!

Evgeniya Khonovets told how to prepare Moldovan placindas, recipe and photo by the author.

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