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How to turn a wired mouse into a wireless mouse. Under steroids in a frying pan, or how to make a mouse twice wireless How to make a wireless mouse with your own hands

The rapid development of technology has led to the fact that any device for processing, storing and exchanging information must be as mobile as possible. The presence of wires can be a big obstacle to this. Therefore, wireless computer peripherals have been in great demand lately. In this regard, many people have a question about how to connect a wireless mouse to a laptop. As for a desktop computer, wireless devices optimize the workplace, its comfort and functionality.

Connection options

There are two ways to connect a wireless pointer to a laptop or PC:

  • Using a special USB adapter that comes with the mouse.
  • Using the built-in Bluetooth adapter in your computer. It is important to note here that it is present in laptops, but not in all desktop PCs. If you don't have it, you'll have to get an external Bluetooth adapter.

In the first case, everything is simple. The adapter is included with the purchased device. Usually there is a special mount for it on the mouse body or in the battery compartment. It looks like this:

Inserts into USB connector. Don't forget to install the batteries and press the power button or move the lever on the back of the mouse to the ON position. In most cases, this is enough for the device to work: the indicator light lights up, the cursor on the screen moves.

Sometimes you need to install a driver for it to work correctly. It is located on the disk that is included in the kit. If there is no disk, you can find the required driver on the Internet, on the official website of the device manufacturer, download it and install it, following the instructions provided.

It happens that for some reason the mouse does not have a USB adapter. Then it is possible to connect the mouse to the laptop via Bluetooth. This operation is a little more complicated. Here are step-by-step instructions for this connection method.

A window will appear, the brand and model of your mouse will be displayed there, select it and click “Connect”.

Select "Mouse". The system provides mouse control parameters that you can customize for yourself:

You can connect a wireless mouse to your computer in the same way. If your PC does not have a built-in Bluetooth adapter, connect an external one via the USB port. Wait for the computer to see and recognize it. Next, follow the step-by-step instructions, repeat steps 1-3 described above. After these manipulations, you can use this convenient and compact device.

Don't rush to throw away your wired mouse if you use a desktop computer. It can always serve as a reliable replacement for a wireless device in case of dead batteries or any problems. If you have a laptop, then a touchpad - a built-in touch mouse - will come to your aid in an unforeseen situation.

How to connect a wireless mouse to a tablet

Sometimes there is a need to connect a wireless mouse and keyboard to a tablet or phone, for example, for typing text in large volumes, for processing it when there is no access to a desktop computer. Some tablets have a standard USB port. In this case, connecting a wireless mouse will not cause difficulties. Proceed in the same way as when connecting a mouse to a laptop. If there is no such port, then the tablet always has a micro-USB connector and you can simply use a USB - micro-USB adapter. It is usually included in the kit or purchased additionally. It looks like this:

Insert the mouse adapter into the USB connector and turn on the mouse. Through such an adapter it is possible to connect a regular, wired mouse to the tablet. A signal that the pointing device is connected to the tablet is the appearance of a standard cursor icon in the form of an arrow on the screen.

If you need to turn on a wireless mouse and keyboard at the same time, but there is only one micro-USB connector, you can use a special OTG MicroUSB Hub splitter, which makes it possible to connect several devices at once. Here he is:

When connecting a mouse directly via Bluetooth, without an adapter, make sure that this type of connection is enabled on your device. Then wait for synchronization with the mouse. If it does not happen automatically, then in the Bluetooth settings you need to manually search for available connections. The tablet will detect the mouse, select it from the list and click “Connect”.

How to connect a mouse to a phone

Connecting a wireless mouse to a smartphone is done in exactly the same ways as connecting to a tablet. The same tools are used and the same steps are repeated as in the previous section.

In contact with

Good day, brainwashes! If you are familiar with the problem of periodically charging the batteries of a wireless mouse, then this brainstorming It can be useful.

I myself prefer wired mice, so as not to have to constantly and, often at inopportune moments, need to charge the batteries on it. But after I came across an unused wireless mouse, my spirit awoke brain creativity and I decided to make a wireless “charger” for this mouse, although for this I needed an inductive charging kit that I bought online.

Step 1: The essence of homemade

The inductive receiver produces constant 5V, which it supplies to the charging module. The charging module charges the battery and stabilizes the voltage supplied to it from the receiver; in addition, it can directly “power” the mouse, which “eats” standard 3V.

Step 2: Components

Wireless mouse
inductive charger (input 5~12V, output 5V)
charging module
Li-Po battery
power supply (5~12V)
soldering iron, solder, rosin...

Step 3: Disassemble the mouse

We take a screwdriver in our hands and remove the mouse cover, clear the space that was previously occupied by AA batteries, remember where the red and black wires are soldered, just in case.

Step 4: Assembling the Inductive Circuit

Turn on brain soldering iron and collect the components crafts into the electrical circuit, how exactly, look at the photo.

Step 5: Testing

We check the assembled circuit for functionality. By the way, I included a switch in the circuit at the break of the positive wire from the battery so that I could turn it off if necessary.

During charging, the LED on the charging module homemade products Lights up red and blue when the battery is charged.

At this stage, my mouse broke down, so I had to replace it with another one, this time black.

Step 6: Assembling the Mouse

In the space that was previously occupied by AA batteries, we install a soldered inductive brain circuit. We install it so that the inductive receiver coil is as low as possible, preferably at the very bottom of the mouse body.

Checking functionality again homemade products, and if everything is in order, install the top cover and secure it.

Step 7: “Parking” for the mouse

We assemble a circuit from a power source and an inductive transmitter and place the transmitter itself under the mouse pad.

Homemade ready, long live inductance, which saved us from the need to charge batteries!

Nowadays, handmade, that is, things made with one’s own hands, has become firmly in fashion. This definition can include any items that you have repaired or altered yourself. Such a thing can be a piece of equipment, for example, a computer mouse. And in our article we will try to figure out how to make a wired one from a wireless mouse with your own hands. The instructions below will help you decide whether this action is necessary or whether it would be easier to replace the mouse in a store.

What is the difference between a wireless mouse and a wired one?

Many may think that the difference between one of these devices and the other is that a wired mouse has a wire, while a wireless one receives power using batteries or an accumulator.

In general, this is true, but if you delve a little deeper into the question, you can find many other important differences:

  • Firstly, there is a difference in size. Wired mice are always a little larger in size, as their equipment is somewhat more complex. The same applies to weight, although both weigh insignificantly.
  • Secondly, wired mice respond much better and faster than wireless ones. That is why they are more often chosen by gamers and computer users, for whom seconds of braking can be a huge hindrance. Yes, wireless mice work exactly the same as wired ones at the beginning of use, but as the battery or accumulator is discharged, characteristic stutters and slowdowns appear, and choppy controls may begin to interfere.
  • The third difference follows from the first. The lifespan of an average wired mouse is 10 years, while a wireless one is only 3.4 years. This is a significant difference, and if you do a little math, even the difference in cost does not cover the costs.

The advantage of a wired mouse

Having carefully studied all the characteristics of a wired mouse, we can highlight a number of advantages that encourage users to make such a difficult modification. The advantages of this device include:

  • price;
  • durability of use;
  • speed of response to user commands;
  • versatility.

As you can see, the main advantages of a wired mouse over a wireless one will be price and durability of use. A mouse powered by a computer costs even less than a wireless mouse of the same class. Moreover, for remote control you will also have to spend money to purchase power supplies. Moreover, given that this mouse is scrapped twice as fast, we can conclude that a much cheaper option is a wired mouse.

More than once, users have encountered the problem that mouse drivers do not fit their home PC or laptop. A wired mouse does not require the installation of special drivers. To start using it, you just need to plug it into the USB output and get to work.

How to turn a wireless mouse into a wired one?

So, we have figured out in detail that a wireless mouse is inferior to its wired counterpart in many respects. Is it worth running to the store for a new mouse to replace the old one? Don't rush to get ready. Now we will try to sort out the information about whether it is possible to turn a wireless mouse into a wired one.

From a theoretical point of view, this is quite possible. From a practical standpoint, this process will be somewhat difficult for the average consumer who does not understand physics and mechanics. But we will try to explain the algorithm of actions in as much detail as possible.

Let's figure out how to turn a wireless mouse into a wired one

The instructions we will provide will outline the remodeling process in the form of the necessary steps:

  1. So, let's start by looking at the wireless mouse itself. To do this, you need to unscrew two screws using a screwdriver and remove the cover.
  2. Next, we separate the motherboard from the bottom of the mouse, first unsoldering two wires - red (+) and black (-) - from the batteries.
  3. Now we need to solder a resistor to reduce the voltage from 5 volts to 3. How to do this? It will not be possible to explain this in simple language, but in short, you need to connect 2-3 diodes in series in a direct connection.
  4. Drill a hole in the cover to allow wires to come out in the future. This must be done carefully so that a crack does not appear in the device body.
  5. Place the board with the changed voltage in the case and insert the resulting wire into the drilled hole.
  6. Connect the ends of the wire to the USB.

The device can already be used, but such fraud will only replace the power source in the mouse. It will also be controlled “over the air” using a USB connection to a computer or laptop, since the signal transmission schemes for wireless and wired mice are still different.

We have described in detail how to turn a wireless mouse into a wired one with your own hands, but you might still have questions about the practicality of this modification.

Is it worth making a wired mouse out of a wired one?

It is unlikely that this question can be answered less ambiguously - no, it’s not worth it. If you have skillful hands, you can make something with them, and you do it only out of scientific interest, then personal enthusiasm can lead to good results. However, if you are an Internet self-taught person and are doing this only because you feel sorry for the money to buy a new mouse, then you should not take on this disastrous task, because in the end you will lose more than you gain.

The asking price is three hundred rubles, which is quite a bit, considering that when assembling the mouse you will spend a lot of nerves and, possibly, an entire wireless mouse. Moreover, such a modification will not last long. A homemade cord will fray much sooner than a purchased one, and the structure itself will become loose and impractical.


If you read the beginning of the article, realized that a wired mouse is suitable for quite serious gamers, and decided to solder it quickly, then you are wrong. It will be even more difficult to play with a converted mouse than with a simple wireless one. The cord on a homemade device will be more clumsy, and the response just because of the presence of a wire will not become faster.

Thus, we can conclude that it is both theoretically and practically possible to turn a wireless mouse into a wired one, but this will be of little use, since the conversion will not gain the advantages of a real wired mouse. It is much easier and more practical to go to the nearest store and buy a mouse for 300-500 rubles.

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