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How to analyze the results of marketing emails. Email marketing: five important rules for successful mailing Average time before purchase

Studying statistics is, without exaggeration, the most important part: analytics of the results helps to find weaknesses in communications with clients and promptly take action. Sendsay PR Director Natalia Zherebenkova prepared a story about the six main email marketing metrics that are always worth paying attention to, and also gave several recommendations for improving them.

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Open Rate

Percentage of emails opened out of the number of emails delivered. The higher the Open Rate, the more subscribers will become familiar with your offer. This indicator is often related to the subject of the email and the level of trust in your company.

An Open Rate of 20% is a good indicator. However, everything depends on the market. For example, in the e-commerce market there is high competition for the attention of a subscriber in his mailbox. Therefore, the Open Rate will be low.

How to increase Open Rate?

Beware of everything that can lead your letters to spam: special vocabulary (“Free”, “Bonus”, “Urgent”, etc.), capital letters in the subject line, inappropriate icons. Write in the topic what people expect from you. Sometimes simplicity is the best solution.

Don’t forget about A/B testing - it will help you find a headline that will force you to open the letter.

Click-to-Open Rate (CTOR)

Percentage of clicks from emails compared to the number of emails opened. The higher the CTOR, the more subscribers will go to your landing page and make a purchase if the landing page content interests them. This metric is related to the quality of the content of both the email and landing page, as well as their relevance.

How to increase Click-to-Open Rate?

Pay attention to whether the content of the letter corresponds to the stated topic. It happens that it is unjustified hopes that force you to immediately close the letter after reading it.

Make sure that the content of the landing page matches the content and call to action of the letter.

Make sure your messages are relevant: that men haven't received emails about ballet shoes being on sale, for example. Or your Valentine's Day gift letter was sent out too late. The main helpers in increasing Click-to-Open Rate are segmentation and automation (using triggers).

Finally, take a closer look at your call to action. Does it really call for action?


The percentage of subscribers who completed the target action: going to the landing page, purchasing, registering, answering questions.

How to increase conversion rates?

By regularly checking this metric, you can understand what type of content and creative is performing better among your target audience. But it’s better not to wait for the results of large mailings, but to use A/B testing tools.

Returning on investments (ROI)

Return on investment. It means the ratio of the profit received from the sale of goods/services to the costs of attracting customers through a specific communication channel.

Typically, the ROI of email marketing is quite high and can reach 4000%. And all thanks to the fact that email remains one of the cheapest methods of communication and at the same time incredibly effective.

How to increase ROI?

The main helpers in increasing ROI are segmentation, triggered mailings, A/B testing (email subject lines, content, sending time) and creativity.

Unsubscribe Rate (UR)

Number of unsubscribers. Over time, some recipients may become tired of your mailings and unsubscribe from them. This, unfortunately, leads to a smaller database.

The desire to unsubscribe may arise because:

  • you send messages too often,
  • your emails are irrelevant or simply uninteresting to the recipients.

0.5% or less is a normal rate of unsubscribers. Although statistics by industry may vary.

Special attention should be paid to the Spam Complain Rate (SCR) subparameter - the number of people who complained about spam. Among them are people who, not finding the “unsubscribe” button, dragged your message to spam or clicked on the “Spam” button in the interface of their mailbox.

The SCR is considered acceptable in the range of 0.03−0.09%. If it is higher than the extreme value, this is a serious reason to think about the quality of your mailings. Otherwise, your mailings will always end up in the Spam folder.

How to reduce the number of unsubscribers?

If a subscriber clicks the “Unsubscribe” button, don’t just let them leave. Offer a custom email schedule or other means of communicating with your brand. For example, social networks.

If a subscriber leaves you due to dissatisfaction with the quality of the content, in the unsubscribe form, clarify this fact with a small survey. Its results will help you understand the reasons for your dissatisfaction and improve.

Delivery errors

There are two types of delivery errors: “mild” and “critical”.

“Minor” delivery errors include:

  • mailbox is full,
  • errors in routing (forwarding to a mailbox).

The “critical” ones include:

  • the message is regarded as spam (as a rule, it happens on corporate domains, but there are precedents with Mail.Ru,,
  • the mailbox does not exist.

The presence of “critical” errors in delivery is a signal to check the database and your content.

More than 4% of “critical” delivery errors require immediate action. If you ignore this indicator, then, at best, the email provider will send your emails to the Spam folder, and at worst, it will block the circulation of emails from you completely.

How to reduce delivery errors?

Sendsay has already taken care of partial automatic hygiene of the email list. “Non-existent addresses” are the first candidates for removal from the database. If after the first mailing the address is determined to be “non-existent”, Sendsay will not send the next mailing to this address, even if it accidentally ends up in the database again. Getting into spam requires finding out the reason: this is an error of the email provider or, having once moved your letter to spam, the subscriber wanted to unsubscribe from your mailings in this way. And after finding out the details, make a decision about keeping or deleting subscribers.

Don't be afraid to clean the base! This way you reduce the costs of mailing to inactive addresses, get correct statistics, and avoid unpleasant incidents with email providers.

Email marketing is an excellent tool for effective communication with clients. With the help of mailings, companies can increase sales, retain customers, receive feedback from them, quickly respond to their needs, etc. But it is important to remember that the ability to use this tool is determined not only by the number of clicks and open rate. The effectiveness of the newsletter is assessed primarily by the involvement of users and their response actions. Below are five important rules that will help increase the effectiveness of email marketing.

This is the first and main question that you should ask yourself before opening the admin panel of your email client. Each email you intend to send to your client should have a clear and understandable purpose - this could be an attempt to encourage people to log into your site, sign up for a new tariff plan, take advantage of a special offer, get a discount, etc.

Understanding what you want to achieve with your newsletter and what response you expect from your users is absolutely necessary to understand the real impact of the letter on the audience.

Understanding the ultimate goal of the newsletter, it is easier and more accurate to assess its effectiveness. If your goal is to generate new leads, tracking how many new leads you received in the end will not be difficult. The achievement of most specific goals can be assessed and measured - no matter if we are talking about a single mailing or a large promotional campaign. This is extremely important to understand whether you are doing the right thing, what needs to be corrected and how to correct it.

II. The letter must be targeted

The value of sincere and personalized communication cannot be overstated, and you should always keep this in mind. Regardless of the goal you are trying to achieve with your newsletter, there are five key characteristics that any email you send to the user should meet. Making a newsletter ignoring these characteristics means wasting your time.

    Contact each client personally. It's great if you know all your users by name. In this case, the task becomes very simple: start the letter with a greeting like “Hello, Evgeny,” but do not make the stupid and for some reason still common mistake - “Good afternoon, Evgeny Ivanov,” because “real” people don’t talk like that.

    If you're less fortunate and don't know all your users or followers by name, don't forget to say hello. In addition to a personalized greeting, you can and often should use in-app chat or plain text. Yes, plain text from a design point of view is significantly inferior to HTML layout, but sometimes this is precisely what allows you to achieve results. These formats cannot be ignored for a very simple reason - they do not look like advertising and are perceived as more personal. These emails often generate greater engagement than those that were apparently created for thousands of people.

    Keep it relevant and timely. Make sure every email you send is targeted, specific and relevant to the customers it is addressed to. If this is not the case, the letter will most likely go straight to the trash.

    Be polite. Using the CAPS LOCK button is yelling, and yelling, as well as excessive use of jargon, are signs of insincerity.

    Use an appropriate tone and manner of expressing ideas.

    Get the point across clearly and quickly. Remember that your users have other things to do than send your newsletter. Respect their time and help them get the most out of your email as quickly as possible.

A letter with an indefinite number of recipients is most likely doomed to failure. The key to effective communication with clients is also the creation of meaningful segments - groups of recipients formed according to some characteristic.

Segmenting your database starts with thinking about specific users, not the database as a whole. In particular, it makes sense to segment users based on their activity. For example, if you want to encourage your customers to try a certain service, it makes more sense to send an email offering that service only to those who haven't tried it yet than to those who are already using it.

Customers stop using your product for many different reasons. This category - inactive users - can be segmented based on their previous activity. And they can be sent relevant emails about what new options or products your company can offer for them. After all, it is quite possible that, having stopped using what you offer, they simply do not know about your new capabilities.

In fact, the segments of your mailing list can be very different: you can divide users into those who use your free options (if any) and into premium subscribers, loyal users and those who are new to your mailing list, etc. .P.

There are many timing aspects to pay special attention to, but the first things to consider are the time of day you send the email and the frequency of your mailings.

Times of Day. It will be different for different types of mailings. If you work in the B2B market, then most likely the best time for your mailing will be from 10 to 11 hours. If you specialize in newsletters with readable content, then evening time is preferable to morning time.

In fact, the morning is the most controversial time to achieve high engagement. Most people actually open their email in the morning, often without even getting out of bed. But let's think about what they do with all the letters crammed into the box? They quickly scan the list, archive or ignore the irrelevant ones, open and read the most urgent ones, and leave the rest unopened until they come to work, and then whatever happens.

Mailing frequency. If you send out newsletters too often, your subscribers will stop keeping up with you, and this is the best case scenario. At worst, they will start marking your letters as spam, and this is very bad, because the more recipients mark your letter as spam, the higher the likelihood that the mail service will consider all your letters as such.

One recent study of user attitudes towards email marketing found that 44% of respondents would like to receive fewer emails from companies and brands, and 46% admitted that if they receive such emails too often, they mark them as spam.

V. Think about where and under what circumstances
users will see your newsletter

This is a case where context is everything. How your email will be perceived by users greatly depends on where people will be physically located when they receive it (office, subway, home, park) and on what device they will see it (desktop or smartphone). Take possible scenarios seriously, because the effectiveness of your mailing depends on it.

1. If you're desperate enough to send your email early in the morning, be aware that it may not be able to compete with real-world distractions like kids, news, social media, etc. You cannot expect any particularly meaningful behavior from users in the morning.

2. In-app mailings ( in-app notifications that only arrive when the user is inside the app) work much better and never fall out of context. They are especially appropriate throughout the evening or during lunch, and are equally effective on desktop and mobile devices.

3. Push notifications are best sent when people are using mobile rather than desktop. Brands try to send such notifications during the working day, but analysis of a large amount of data showed that push notifications generally have the highest open rates after 6 pm. So it is most effective to send them between 6 and 8 pm.

Surprisingly, but true, only 10% of CoMagic’s current clients actively use Email marketing. At the same time, more than 60% of Western audiences prefer to communicate with brands via email - Adobe study “Email Use 2017 - US Report” (2018). We are ready to ask that in Russia it is not much less.

Email marketing continues to play an important role in brand marketing campaigns, but it is worth recognizing that this channel is currently experiencing difficult times. There are too many mailings, and there are even more spam filters. Communications with companies are moving to social networks, and email is being replaced by direct marketing.

Does this mean that email campaigns are no longer effective and it’s time to reallocate the budget to more profitable advertising channels? We analyzed the experience of using email marketing among global brands, looked at trends, new features and key points in use, and compiled for you the TOP 6, which will increase the effectiveness of this channel.

Read, put into practice and take your email marketing to the next level. So, let's go!

Automation – trigger email chains

How it works?

You think through scenarios and set trigger chains for your subscriber base. Next, set up automatic sending of emails corresponding to the triggers. For example:

    Welcome letter (trigger – subscription);

    Letter of congratulations (trigger – a specific date);

    Letters about an unfinished purchase (trigger - abandoned cart), etc.

Triggered email chains will allow you to always be in touch with your subscriber, as well as quickly transform him into an active buyer.

Here is an example of a trigger email chain from Nissan.

Abandoned carts are a pretty popular trigger, but what about abandoned views? There are many more cases where a user viewed products and then left the site. You can also create a corresponding trigger for this.

Interactive Content

So-called “kinetic” letters are the main trend of 2017, which continues to gain momentum.

These are mailings that include GIF images, buttons, photo and video carousels, surveys, constructors, infographics, etc. By directly interacting with the audience, interactivity allows for higher conversion rates than regular emails.

Deep personalization

Collect information about your subscribers and segment your entire base according to it. Where to get the data?

    Analytics of behavior on the site: pages viewed, products, interrupted purchases, etc.;

An excellent example from colleagues from the Hilton hotel chain. Marketers studied the behavioral data of their clients and then used this in the mailing: each client received an individual letter with infographics about how many times he stayed at the chain hotel and how many countries he visited. The results of this newsletter are +70% to opens, +37% to transitions. Not a bad result, right?

Sticky content

Offers, promotions, information about products – such content will not surprise anyone for a long time. But why not offer subscribers something extra - new useful and exciting content, selected according to their interests.

Style guides, recipes for new dishes, practical instructions for growing bonsai on your windowsill... Tips, news, jokes and many other types of “sticky” content are useful not only for information resources, but also for brands.

By sharing useful information, you not only retain subscribers and prevent such unwanted unsubscribes from the mailing list, but also build a dialogue with potential customers, thereby increasing overall loyalty to the company.

Mobile layout

All kinds of mobile gadgets continue to take over the world. And if users are increasingly reading books, news, chatting, listening to music, etc. using their smartphones, then why do you think they check email any differently?

We're not talking about the usual optimization for mobile devices - this should be done by default. But about creating more attractive and smartphone-friendly buttons, images, and any other content used in emails.

The percentage of users who prefer mobile layout will only grow. Therefore, developing and implementing a smart mobile strategy for your Email Marketing is something worth investing time in now.

Analytics as the basis of email marketing

It doesn’t matter how well thought out your trigger scripts are or how brilliant your GIFs are if you haven’t defined KPIs before launching your newsletter and aren’t tracking its results in any way. You'll never understand what worked in your email strategy and what didn't, which means you won't understand what needs to be adjusted.

Most email platforms provide customers with information on basic indicators:

    Open Rate;

    Click-Through-Rate (CTR);

    How long does it take to read a letter, etc.

Other indicators that, as a rule, few people look at: virality - email forwarding or shares on social networks.

Without a doubt, all this data is important. However, they may not be enough if the ultimate goal of the email campaign is not to increase clicks or open rates, but to generate real sales. That's why we suggest digging deeper and calculating metrics that reflect the specific results of each email campaign.

For example, in your CoMagic personal account you can view both general statistics for the email channel and statistics for each mailing separately.

Analyzing this data will give you answers to the questions:

    How many consumers made a purchase or ordered a service after clicking on a link in an email?

    What is the return on investment (ROI) of the email channel?

You can and should work with these indicators - set goals for improvement, monitor changes, segment, set up different email campaigns, adjust the overall strategy if necessary, etc. Do business based on accurate data, not with your eyes closed.

Today no one doubts the effectiveness of e-mail newsletters (as a tool for quickly promoting any business). But there are still quite a lot of questions left. How to use e-mail newsletter correctly? How to increase the impact of each letter? Where to look for your first subscribers?We will try to answer these and other questions in this article..

How much will sales increase?

It is clear that one of the most important tasks set for e-mail newsletters will be to increase sales. What results can you expect from a series of letters?

It is extremely difficult to talk about any exact numbers. After all, the result depends on the size of the subscriber base, the quality of the selling text, its design and much more.

But, as a rule, the first month of launching a competent e-mail newsletter results in an increase in sales of 10% or more.

The maximum effect from e-mail distribution is achieved by a combination of two factors: the relevance of a specific offer and the “expectation” of letters from readers. For example, in our practice, the most impressive result was obtained by an online store that sold the fifth generation iPhone. An offer for pre-display of phones was launched for one existing and two partner databases. As a result of a series of letters, the number of orders increased by 800%.

How to calculate conversion?

Conversion (the ratio of emails opened to emails sent) will help you more accurately predict the results of a launched campaign.

What conversion is considered normal? Again, it all depends on the specifics of the business. But on average, the percentage of open letters from our clients (B2C segment) looks like this:

  • mailing to up to 100 people – 38%;
  • up to 1000 people – 23%;
  • up to 5000 people – 18%;
  • up to 10,000 people – 14.5%;
  • from 100,000 people – 9%.

We must remember that the result also depends on the goals. Using the newsletter, you can present new products, increase customer loyalty, remind about yourself, or stimulate sales.

What should the content of the letters be?

Now you need to ensure that the recipient not only sees the letter in the inbox, but also wants to open it. Therefore, your mailing letters should:

a) go regularly;

It is clear that from the very beginning it is extremely difficult to decide in which direction to move. We recommend that you first analyze your competitors’ mailings and social networks. It is also advisable to contact your clients directly to clarify a preliminary list of topics of interest to them.

How often should I send emails?

The exact days you send emails will depend on your audience. For example, it is better for company executives, accountants and managers to remind themselves in the morning (Tuesday or Thursday) or towards the end of the working day (16-17 hours). Housewives or “long-thinking” audiences respond better to mailings on weekends or in the evenings of weekdays.

But the easiest way is to select the optimal time and frequency of mailings using testing.

What are the stages of the process of developing and implementing e-mail marketing?

1) Strategy development

At the first stage, goals and objectives are set, the format and frequency of the mailing are determined, the technical part is worked out and responsible persons are appointed.

First, you need to do everything to ensure that each mailing letter does not end up in “spam”, but in the “inbox” folder. To do this, you just need to exclude a few points.

Letters are determined servers How spam at availability V them :

  • large investments;
  • short texts along with large images;
  • broken links;
  • large texts and capital letters in the subject line;
  • spam words in the subject or content of the letter (“free”, “now”, “money”);
  • scripts or questionnaires;
  • a large number of email addresses in the copy of the letter.

2. Creative and technical implementation of the strategy

It is very important to format each mailing letter correctly (that is, work on its design).

1) The letter should visually stand out among the dozens of other letters that arrive in your potential buyer’s email every day. At the same time, you should not overload the letter with effects and graphics.

3) Take care to adapt your emails for different browsers and devices. Many users now view correspondence not on laptop monitors, but on smartphone screens. It is better to hire a professional programmer to perform this task.

3. Analysis of results

Web analytics is one of the cheapest and most accurate tools for analyzing the effectiveness of marketing campaigns. Such an analysis will answer the questions:

  • How many transitions were made to the site?
  • What products and services interest your customers more than others?
  • Who is the potential client?

Analysis of email newsletters helps you more clearly identify your target audience and optimize the content on your website and in your emails as accurately as possible.

After analyzing the effectiveness of your newsletter, work with your base. For example, from time to time it is useful to carry out the so-called “reactivation” - sending letters to inactive subscribers with the subject “You have not visited the site for a long time!” and a request to add your address to the address book.

“Golden” rules of e-mail marketing

1. Never buy a ready-made mailing list. The effectiveness of such an e-mail campaign will be extremely low, and IP addresses may well end up on blacklists.

3. Use email chains that are preferably launched two or three times a year (for example, for seasonal sales). The concentration of “selling” content in such a subscription should increase with each subsequent letter.

How to increase the effectiveness of your mailing?

Subscriber segmentation

The better your base is segmented, the more effective your mailing will be. The existing database can be easily divided into segments based on the following characteristics: gender, occupation, geographic location, age, activity, purchase history.

If there is no such information about subscribers, ask readers to fill out a form or add a couple of fields to the order form on the website. However, avoid long lists of 30 questions - as users really don’t like wasting their time on “unnecessary” (from their point of view) questions.

Dynamic Content


practical application of e-mail


1. Project "Money Return Center"(return of illegal credit commissions)

To begin with, it was necessary to attract potential clients to the project (even before the launch of the project). We decided to look for our target audience (borrowers with an established credit history) on broker websites and legal forums.

(medical consulting)

The company needed to go online, create the first online products and ensure an increase in the subscription base. We include chief doctors and directors of medical clinics among the target audience of Business Cardinal.

Finding their contacts online was quite difficult and time-consuming. Therefore, to begin with, we contacted the call center with the task of identifying clinics’ interest in the company’s services.

Over the phone, potential clients were asked the question: “Are you interested in receiving a thematic newsletter on such and such a topic?” In response, the majority of respondents surveyed agreed to provide their email addresses.

Interestingly, in its first letters, the client company focused not on sales, but on training its subscribers. Each letter of the first mailing covered one or another issue of increasing the clinic's turnover. The newsletter very quickly became popular among senior medical staff. It made it possible to attract several large partners in the regions, receive the first large orders and launch a series of trial online products.

In the shortest possible time, we managed to achieve brand recognition in the medical services market and a high level of expertise.

Instead of output

There are about 25 metrics in email marketing. But only 7 of them are key and are used to calculate the effectiveness of mailings. Some companies do not monitor them either, focusing only on ROI, considering it a monetary indicator of the success of campaigns. But there are other indicators that directly or indirectly affect the profitability of email marketing in business. We decided to dot all the i’s and show which parameters in email marketing are important and which ones are not worth wasting time on.

#1: Open Rate (OR, email open rate)

Shows how many recipients opened the email. Technically, its level depends on the quality of email delivery: the fewer messages are “bounced” or end up in SPAM, the higher the Open Rate:

OR=((number of recipients who opened the letter)/(number of delivered letters))*100%

Open Rate needs to be analyzed daily. Its fluctuations from mailing to mailing show what can be improved in the email strategy:

  • What email topics are interesting to your subscribers - the higher the OR, the more relevant the topic;
  • What day of the week should the newsletter be sent on?
  • What percentage of recipients read messages rather than just keeping them in their inbox?

In non-technical language, OR is an indicator of the effectiveness of an email marketer. With an honestly collected database, high-quality segmentation and an engaging headline, it will take two to three weeks.

#2: CTR (Click throuhg rate, click-through rate)

Shows how many people not only opened the letter, but also took action - clicked on the link, went to the site. An indicator that is more important than Open Rate. In our blog we have already talked about what CTR is, what it depends on, and so now we’ll just remind you.

Essentially, CTR is an indicator of reader engagement. The higher the click-through rate in an email, the better the content is selected and the needs of the target audience are studied.

In a business environment, the goal of email marketing comes down to generating additional profit and building customer loyalty. In this context, maintaining a high click-through rate means that the business is trusted, provides useful content, and acts as an expert in the industry.

In the updated Estismail statistics interface, there is a “red line” for visual control of CTR and Open Rate, which is set at 15%. This is the criterion for “correct” email marketing. If the indicators drop below the red line, we recommend revising your mailing content plan.

#3: Conversion Rate (CR orECR - email conversion rate, conversion rate, conversions from opens)

CR is an important indicator for email marketers and businessmen. It displays how many subscribers clicked on the links and took the target action: bought, registered, filled out a form. Conversion Rate is one of the few metrics in email marketing that provides a clear understanding of future profits.

ECR depends on the reliability of the email service and the quality of the content. These three components result in high email deliverability, low spam and bounce. The better the sender’s reputation, the higher the conversion rate from his mailings:

CR=((number of recipients who took action)/(number of emails delivered))*100%

There is no generally accepted “normal” conversion rate. Its figure can vary from 2% to 12%, depending on the industry. For example, letters with promotions and discounts in e-commerce give a CR of 7-12%. While newsletters from startups and bloggers barely gain 2%.

Regardless of the industry, conversion rates increase:

  • Content that solves the client's needs;
  • Message design: the letter must contain call-to-action, thematic buttons and links;
  • High sender reputation;
  • Constant interaction with the reader through emails, push notifications, social networks, website, etc.

Email services do not display CR. In order to accurately measure it, you need to integrate the site with either Yandex.Metrica or Google Analytics, and set a list of actions to track (registration, order, purchase).

However, Estismail's new statistics show the history of each client's activity - from the number of opens to clicks. This allows you to track the reader’s interests and create an individual trigger message for him.

#4:Unsubscribe rate (UR,level unsubscribes)

Shows how many readers have unsubscribed from your newsletters. UR is calculated automatically by the postal service. For example, in Estismail it can be found in the “Statistics” section:

If you get to the bottom of it, the Unsubscribe Rate is calculated using the formula:

UR=((number of people who unsubscribed)/(number of emails delivered))*100%

It is believed that an unsubscribe rate below 2% is within normal limits. The exception is the first shipment or mailing after a long break. In this case, UR can reach 10%.

People will always unsubscribe - regardless of the content, design or reputation of the sender. A person's needs may simply change. Therefore, you should not be upset about everyone who unsubscribes.

But we also don’t recommend stopping tracking Unsubscribe Rate. The unsubscribe rate is sensitive to the state of email marketing in general. If UR is growing from campaign to campaign, reconsider your strategy and content. Perhaps you are no longer relevant to your readers.

#5: Bounce Rate (undelivered emails)

Bounce Rate shows the percentage of emails that were not delivered to recipients.

There may be several reasons for this:

  • The recipient's email no longer exists or is misspelled;
  • The message is overloaded with text, pictures, links;
  • The recipient's mail server has identified the sender;
  • The sender's IP is blocked and blacklisted;
  • The recipient's mailbox is full;
  • The recipient's mail server is currently unavailable.

In the last 2 cases, Estismail will try to deliver the letter for another three days. If the message cannot be delivered within this period, it will be deleted.

A healthy Bounce Rate ranges from 3-3.5%. If the number of undelivered emails begins to increase sharply, we recommend checking the presence of your IP in the blacklist.

The second way to lower your Bounce Rate is to clean your base. The more inactive emails and erroneous addresses there are, the more emails will not find their recipient. In order to keep the list of recipients in shape, it needs to be thinned out at least once every six months.

#6: Complain Rate (SCR, complaint level)

This indicator indicates that the recipient has marked the message as spam. This does not always mean low quality content. Often, a person clicks the “SPAM” button emotionally: he may be in a bad mood or he forgot that he himself subscribed to the mailing list.

For the sender, such a spontaneous act brings sad results. As soon as the Complain Rate exceeds the quota of 0.03-0.09%, the level of trust of mail services in the sender’s IP drops. This means that outgoing emails will be subject to more detailed checking and will not always reach the Inbox.

High SCR is difficult to fix; it is easier to prevent it:

  • Enter subscription with confirmation;
  • Send to databases collected in an honest way;
  • Monitor the volume of sendings from one IP: no more than 3000 per day.

#7: Return of Investments (ROI, return on investment)

This indicator cannot be found in the postal service. But it will definitely be in the accounting report. ROI is the only email marketing metric that can be measured in monetary terms. But marketers prefer percentages:

ROI=((income from additional sales - amount invested in email campaign)/(amount invested in email campaign))*100%

For example:

An email campaign to sell promotional items brought in an additional $1,150. It took $100 to pay for the email service, template development, content preparation and other work for the email marketer.


ROI is the main indicator of the effectiveness of mailings. It makes it clear whether it is advisable to use email marketing in your business, or perhaps it is worth investing in another sales channel.

We hope that this information, as well as the updated interface from Estismail, will help you audit the effectiveness of email marketing and save time and effort. The service calculates most of these metrics independently and displays the finished result in the form of graphs and percentage scales.

What features are in the new statistics from Estismail - see the full review:

Successful mailings to you and high ROI!

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