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Why do you dream of a blooming pumpkin? Why do you dream about a pumpkin: interpretation

Perhaps no other vegetable causes as much controversy as pumpkin. If you ask a culinary enthusiast about it, he will praise this vegetable as a tasty addition to many dishes. A village resident will tell you that using pumpkin you can get rid of many diseases. A young man or girl, having heard about it, will immediately remember the Halloween holiday, and a lover of fairy tales will remember the magic carriage for Cinderella.

Sometimes this vegetable appears to us in dreams, the meaning of which needs to be interpreted. On this page you will find out why you dream about pumpkin and the details associated with this vegetable.


    Dream Interpretation of Yuri Longo

    I dreamed about a pumpkin - this is a good one, promising the sleeper both material and mental benefits.

    Holding a pumpkin in your hands - a sign that you will soon have an interesting idea, which will meet with the support of friends and relatives. A pumpkin lying on the table is a harbinger of financial well-being.

    Seeing dishes to which pumpkin is added - a happy family awaits you, each member of which will stand behind the others like a mountain. Picking a pumpkin from the garden is a dream that predicts making a big profit.

    Grow, water vegetables - soon you will have to work hard. However, the reward for your efforts will be worthy.

    Dream book of Gustav Miller

    According to a famous psychologist, pumpkin in a dream is a harbinger of troubles in the future. This can be either a simple showdown with colleagues or a serious conflict with superiors.

    However, if in a dream you cooked food from it and ate it, this is a good sign - in the near future you will be able to make a successful purchase or they will give you a nice gift.

    Dream Interpretation of the Mayan Indians

    Positive value. If you ate pumpkins in a dream, riches await you soon. To speed up the approach of good luck, eat a piece of raw pumpkin for lunch.

    Negative meaning. If you dreamed of picking pumpkins from the garden, perfume warn you about theft that may happen in your home. To ward off trouble, bury a whole pumpkin near your house.

What did you do?

Remember - what did you do with this vegetable in your dream? So you:

  • They chose her– for unmarried people, such a dream predicts a quick marriage (or marriage); those who have already found their soul mate - empty, worries and vanity.
  • Bought- a harbinger of new acquaintances that will open up brilliant prospects for you, both in your career and in terms of personal relationships.
  • Sold- an unfavorable sign warning the dreamer about terrible envious people in his environment. Be careful - they are not asleep, and are waiting for the right moment to harm you.
  • Picked from the garden- a symbol that promises the sleeper in his professional activities and the establishment of promising business connections.
  • Stole from someone else's garden– soon you will be able to beat your competitors and truly get rich. True, this will only be possible through dishonest means.
  • Have you seen a vegetable stolen from your garden?- at the moment, your enemies are planning an insidious and serious plan against you.
  • Treated it to your acquaintance or friend- in reality this person will get into big trouble and will require your help, which you will have to provide to him.
  • They planted– the present moment is the best time to solve the most difficult issues. The main thing here is to clearly think through the plan of action, and fortune will take over the rest.
  • Watering a pumpkin from a watering can- Numerous trials and litigation await you in the near future. However, you should not despair - dream books promise you a brilliant victory.
  • Found her on the road- soon the fulfillment of the most secret things awaits you. A little more, and your life will turn into a fairy tale, full of miracles and joyful events.
  • Did you give it to someone or received it as a gift yourself?- a dream foretelling romantic adventures and surprises to the dreamer.

How did she look?

In the interpretation of dreams about pumpkin Details such as the size of the vegetable, its color and condition are of great importance.

A large pumpkin is a sign that the sleeper will soon have to take part in a grand event on which his entire future will depend. For the event to go well, the dreamer should take it seriously.

Little pumpkin - a hint that in the near future the dreamer’s expenses will increase and even exceed his income. As a result, he may fall into a debt hole, from which it will be very difficult to get out.

Green vegetable - a harbinger of an unexpected situation. However, if you can react to it correctly, you will be able to avoid trouble.

Yellow color - your talent, beauty and charisma contribute to an increase in your popularity among members of the opposite sex. However, try not to lose your head, but try to take your choice of life partner seriously.

An orange pumpkin is an image that predicts an exciting journey, during which you will meet many interesting people. You will not only get real pleasure, but also valuable knowledge that will be useful to you in the future.

Gray - in reality you are too fixated on money and focus all your energy on earning it, forgetting both about yourself and your loved ones.

Ripe and juicy pumpkin - soon fate will give you the opportunity to improve your financial situation and become popular among members of the opposite sex.

Dried or rotten pumpkin - an unfavorable image that promises quarrels with your significant other or business partners.

A baked vegetable is a dream that symbolizes your punctuality and seriousness. It is these qualities that will provide you with a stable future and help you avoid possible problems.

Where was the pumpkin?

If in a dream you simply saw a pumpkin from the side, the place where it happened is of great importance. So, the pumpkin was:

  • In the garden– if you see a pumpkin in the garden, this symbol can be interpreted in two ways. If you dream that the vegetable was beautiful, fresh and healthy, you will soon be able to do not only what you love, but also a very profitable business that will help you get rich. However, if the pumpkin was rotten or wormy, the dream foreshadows the intrigues of your competitors.
  • On a tree branch- a dream that speaks of your generosity and willingness to lend a helping hand to anyone. However, on the other hand, by helping others, you forget about yourself, because such behavior leads to the ingratitude of others who take your help for granted.
  • On the counter of a market (or store)- in the coming days the dreamer will have a chance to start earning good money. However, caution is needed here - if the sleeper succumbs to greed, he will not only fail to get rich, but will even lose what he has.
  • On the table- a favorable sign that promises an unexpected visit of guests to your home, with whom you will have a lot of fun.

Who had the dream?

Another important detail is the gender and age of the dreamer.

  • I had a dream girl– a pumpkin seen in a dream warns you that you may soon recklessly marry not for love, but for convenience, which you will regret for the rest of your life.
  • Married woman- higher powers are warning you to stop needlessly nagging your spouse. Otherwise, a scandal awaits you.
  • Divorced woman or widow- a harbinger of meeting an interesting person who will become your companion for life.
  • Pregnant woman (girl)– dreaming of a pumpkin means that yours will be healthy and strong.
  • To a young man– here the pumpkin symbolizes matchmaking. If the vegetable was ripe and beautiful, your chosen one will answer you with consent. If the pumpkin was dry or rotten, or you ate it, you will be refused.
  • To a man– if you dreamed of a pumpkin, in reality you should become more practical and stop soaring in the clouds, dreaming about the impossible. Instead, get down to real business.
  • To kid– for children, a pumpkin in a dream prophesies the fulfillment of their most cherished desire.

pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds are considered an extremely auspicious symbol. Seeing them is a harbinger of joyful events that will give the dreamer incomparable pleasure.

Hold them in your hands - image promising monetary gain. It is especially good if there were a lot of seeds - in this case, the amount of money will be simply colossal.

There are pumpkin seeds - harbinger of the birth of a child. If the dream appeared to a lonely person, it foretells that he will soon find a good friend or soul mate.

In our dreams, every detail and every object has its own, special meaning. And even such an ordinary and familiar vegetable to everyone - pumpkin - appears in our dreams not by chance. Why do you dream about pumpkin? The most authoritative dream books in the world will tell you the answer.

Modern dream book

A pumpkin seen may foreshadow conflicts with colleagues.

Cook something from pumpkin - prosperity awaits you.

Eating any pumpkin dish means a valuable acquisition, a big purchase or a gift. If an unmarried girl had such a dream, a marriage of convenience awaits her; for a young man - his love will be rejected.


Seeing pumpkins in a dream is a good sign. For a girl to see a pumpkin - for a quick wedding, for a young man - for matchmaking. For others, pumpkins promise a larger family. Eating pumpkin means illness.


A children's dream book interprets a pumpkin seen in a dream as a harbinger of the fulfillment of all cherished desires.


Pumpkin in a dream - to a calm, prosperous life, prosperity.


Seeing a yellow pumpkin promises you victory in competitions and disputes.

Dream Interpretation of Yuri Longo

A ripe, large pumpkin in a dream - you have a plan that, under favorable circumstances, will bring you great benefits. However, you doubt that your loved ones will support you in your endeavors. Do not doubt! You are on the right path, feel free to bring your ideas to life.

Growing a pumpkin - in reality you are busy with a complex and labor-intensive task that requires a lot of dedication, but which will certainly bring good results.

If you pick a pumpkin, a quick reward awaits you for all your efforts.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

According to Fedorovskaya’s dream book, a pumpkin in a dream symbolizes litigation. If you imprison her in a dream, you will have to file a lawsuit against a friend. Watering the pumpkin means you will get rich thanks to the business you win.

If you see someone planting a pumpkin, your close relatives will sue you. If you sell, you will testify in court against someone. Whether you buy it or receive it as a gift, you yourself will volunteer to defend someone’s honor.

Newest dream book

Seeing a pumpkin in a dream is a warning: do not think that everyone around you, without exception, respects and appreciates you. Perhaps you have secret ill-wishers.


Eating pumpkin seeds means becoming the parent of a noble child.


Pumpkins foreshadow discord, empty, unpleasant conversations. If you eat pumpkin, prosperity awaits you, and perhaps you will make a profit.

The phenomenon of dreams has interested people since ancient times. In a state of rest, a person can receive signals that warn him of danger or foreshadow joyful events. So, many people are interested in what pumpkin dreams about. This colorful fruit can have several meanings.

General interpretation

Wanting to understand why pumpkin is dreamed of, it is worth knowing that any plant or fruit is a kind of symbol of life, prosperity and fertility. However, such a vision can have a negative connotation. So, if you were born in the fall, pumpkin will be a harbinger of health problems for you. But for “summer” people, such a dream promises material difficulties.

Modern dream book

Considering that people’s lifestyles are constantly changing, it is not surprising that modern interpreters interpret night visions somewhat differently than the ancients. When asked why you dream of a pumpkin in the garden, you can answer that this is a harbinger of groundless quarrels, empty promises and unfulfilled hopes. However, this interpretation is only valid for people who are already married. For single people, such a dream promises a fateful meeting and a further wedding.

It is worth noting that a pumpkin can be a symbol of your cherished desires, which will soon come true. Also, such a dream can be interpreted as a fear of losing everything that you have achieved until today.

If you want to understand why you dream about a pumpkin, you should think about what has been happening in your life lately. It is quite possible that you are harboring some kind of idea, the implementation of which you do not dare to implement. If you dreamed that the pumpkin was ripe and bright, then you can safely begin to implement your plans. But rotten or unripe fruit promises failure in business.

Miller's Dream Book

If you look into Miller’s interpreter with the question of why pumpkin is dreamed of, you will find that this fruit is a harbinger of conflicts. Most likely, you will have misunderstandings with colleagues due to competition. If you dreamed that you were preparing some kind of dish from pumpkin, most likely you will be able to get out of the situation as a winner. The dream may also foretell the receipt of an expensive gift.

Love dream book

If you are currently in love and dream of meeting your soulmate, night visions take on a special meaning. Why does a woman dream about a pumpkin? To meet your destiny soon. In the near future you will meet the man of your dreams who will make you a cherished marriage proposal. You should not reject the advances of such a person.

But for the male sex, a pumpkin seen in a dream does not bode well. If you like a certain girl, now is not the best time to propose a serious relationship to her. Most likely, you will receive a sharp refusal. If a man is already in a relationship, there is a high risk of an early separation on the initiative of his other half.

A rotten pumpkin is an unfavorable dream for lovers. This is a sign of misunderstanding and serious disagreement. It is possible that we are talking about betrayal, which will soon be revealed.

Pumpkin in different manifestations

A large number of pumpkins is a harbinger of great luck. Having seen such a dream, you can safely take on the riskiest things. Success will accompany you not only in business, but also in financial and love spheres. But this is only if the pumpkins were beautiful and ripe. Green fruits promise a lot of minor troubles.

If you saw pumpkin seeds in a dream, you should expect an addition to the family. This vision is especially favorable for girls who have long dreamed of pregnancy. If a woman is already in an interesting position, childbirth will be easy and without complications.

Why do you dream of a big pumpkin on the dinner table? This is a symbol that good luck will accompany you throughout the year. Moreover, the more impressive the size of the fruit, the more benefits you will receive.

Actions with pumpkin

Many people look into their dream book every morning. Why you dream of a pumpkin largely depends on what manipulations you performed with it. So, if you had to harvest these fruits, the business you have planned will bring dizzying success and significant profit.

If in a dream you had to buy a pumpkin, it is possible that unexpected wealth will fall on your head. This could be an inheritance, a big win, a successful marriage, or a lucrative job offer. If you come across a rotten fruit, the meaning of the dream will be the opposite. You may suffer minor losses or quarrel with loved ones. If you were a pumpkin seller, you will have to find out compromising information about a person. His fate will be in your hands.

Negative meaning

Certain pumpkin dreams are strongly negative. So, if you dreamed of a fruit that imitates a human head (like on Halloween), you are surrounded by evil and envious people who will set you up at any opportunity.

If you dreamed of a plot similar to the fairy tale about Cinderella, when some beautiful thing turns into a pumpkin, you should not believe the promises of strangers. Tempting offers of a business or romantic nature may turn out to be a deception.

Despite the fact that a large pumpkin is a positive sign, abnormally large sizes carry a negative meaning. Most likely, you accumulate money unwisely without thinking that it may lose value. It can also be a symbol that you need to lose weight.

If you see a cut or broken pumpkin, be more careful about your spending. Most likely, losses and financial difficulties await you. A dream in which some animal ate the fruit has a similar meaning.

Seeing a pumpkin in a dream- means that soon you will have a quarrel with your work colleagues.

Cooking pumpkin dishes in a dream- a sign that visible prosperity awaits you.

There is a pumpkin in a dream- to an unexpected gift. It is possible to purchase a valuable item. A young girl has such a dream- prophesies a marriage not of love, but of convenience.

If a young man dreamed that he was eating a pumpkin- the girl he loves will reject his advances.

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Pumpkin- do not entertain yourself with the illusion that everyone respects you. In fact, you have secret ill-wishers, envious people.

Children's dream book

Pumpkin- to make your most incredible dreams come true.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Pumpkin- there will be confusion related to money.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, December

Pumpkin- you are at risk of being overweight.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Pumpkin- you have a richly furnished house, but it is full of people who do not like you.

General dream book

If you dreamed of a pumpkin- in the near future you will sue someone and win a lot of money during the trial.

If you dreamed that you planted a pumpkin- in the near future you will file a claim against one of your friends.

In a dream, you watched someone you know plant a pumpkin or water a pumpkin- one of your closest relatives will be sued.

Watering the pumpkin- to long legal proceedings, as a result of which you will enrich yourself.

You picked a pumpkin- you have to become a witness in court, and this will not give you any pleasant feelings.

If you dreamed that you were selling a pumpkin- you will give evidence in court that could harm your loved ones.

In a dream you bought or were given a pumpkin- you yourself will volunteer to act as a witness in court to restore justice.

If you dreamed that you gave someone a pumpkin- you will be summoned to court and depending on how you behave, you can either gain or lose a lot of money.

Dream book of the 21st century

Seeing a pumpkin in a dream- a harbinger of a quarrel or empty talk, eat pumpkin- to profit and prosperity.

Pumpkin dreamed by a young man- to matchmaking, girl- for the wedding.

Dream Interpretation of the White Magician

Seeing a pumpkin in a dream- a dream means that you have matured an idea that promises to be very fruitful under a successful set of circumstances. But you are afraid that you won’t be able to realize it alone. Do not doubt that your friends and relatives will not be able to appreciate this idea. Now is the time when success and victory are guaranteed to you.

Growing a pumpkin in a dream- your dream indicates that in reality you are doing a very difficult, but profitable and rewarding business, which will certainly be crowned with success in a short time. The main thing is that you don’t lose the passion to continue it.

Picking a pumpkin in a dream- you will soon reap the fruits of your success. You have waited a long time and, of course, deserve a reward.

Cooking something from pumpkin in a dream- in fact, you are very inventive and thanks to this you almost never sit idle.

Medieval dream book of Daniel

See a pumpkin- to illness.

Chinese dream book

Eat pumpkin seeds- the birth of a noble offspring.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Pumpkin- refusal of love, quarrel; magical influences and patrons.

Culinary dream book

see pumpkin- to a quarrel or empty talk; eat pumpkin- to profit and prosperity.

Ukrainian dream book

How to dream about pumpkins- this is a beautiful dream, everything will be fine.

How a guy dreams about a pumpkin- let him go to woo.

Eat- to illness.

I dream about pumpkins- relatives will increase.

Dreaming about pumpkin- wooing a widow.

If a girl dreams of pumpkins- there will be a wedding, and if you dream of cucumbers, then there will be lies.

She predicts unpleasant changes for you, empty promises. Especially if the vegetable turns out to be large, but hollow inside. Some people see a large pumpkin as a sign of headaches and worries.

If you want to understand the exact meaning of the dream, pay attention to where you saw this vegetable, whether it was raw or cooked. It is especially worth paying attention to this symbol for women.

Freud writes that a pumpkin predicts pregnancy and many children for a lovely lady if the dream occurred soon after the wedding. This is how the dream book interprets the appearance of this vegetable in various scenes.

General meaning of sleep

Seeing a pumpkin in a dream is good for those who dream of a rich, prosperous and happy family. This vegetable means home. The more seeds and pulp it contains, the more united your family and team will be.

For the unemployed, the dream predicts getting a job in a team, where you will do the same work with others. The larger the tavern, the wider the production will be. Sometimes a dream predicts a girl’s imminent marriage or addition to her family.

For some people, seeing a pumpkin in a dream means communicating with very reserved people who rarely leave their own home, but this is not the only meaning of such a night picture. The dream book writes that a tavern and a large pumpkin dream of prosperity and wealth in the house.

If a girl sees in a dream that a large pumpkin has grown in the garden, she imagines she is pregnant. Sometimes the dream foretells that she will work in a restaurant and will be able to earn decent money. A small pumpkin portends joy, a promise, or the receipt of a gift.

Pick and cook - for the imminent arrival of guests. If it was large, like the skull of an adult, beware of a headache. Size may indicate illness. A small pumpkin dreams of a tumor, mild inflammation, and the appearance of a skin disease.

A medium-sized zucchini indicates a headache, an upset digestive system, and to see a large pumpkin the size of a house in a dream is a sign of great disappointment and an idle promise. Especially if the vegetable turns out to be empty inside.

The size of the pumpkin may hint at the scale of the trouble that will soon happen to you. Sometimes a huge vegetable of this type is a sign of great misfortune. A pumpkin the size of a tall tree predicts unexpected trouble.

Family well-being and happiness

Many dream books say that this vegetable means material wealth and good health. The thicker and sweeter its flesh, the more money you will get.

The green tavern in the young man’s dream suggests that it is too early for him to get married. You need to check your feelings and get back on your feet, since material resources for a good life may not be enough at all. The meaning of the dream is enhanced if you have dreamed about an unripe vegetable many times after dating your future bride.

For a wealthy man, a similar plot suggests that the woman is not ready for family life. Or his decision will turn out to be completely rash and immature. You should take your time and give yourself a little more time to check the correctness of your choice.

For family people, a large tavern of natural size predicts profit. The meatier its flesh, the better you can manage your profits. Miller writes that wealth and friendship will gradually appear in your home. The Islamic dream book also interprets the tavern as meaning money. If there were a lot of seeds in it, it means you will take less than you expected.

Seeing a garden where a ripe and orange zucchini has appeared means ripening. Sometimes a dream prophesies the wedding of children and the birth of the newlyweds’ first child. For some people, such a dream predicts a reward for their work. If the tavern turns out to be sweet and pleasant, then you will enjoy success for a long time.

Why does a woman dream about a pumpkin? Many books interpret its appearance as a sign of pregnancy. But for some people it can predict false hope for procreation or miscarriage. If the zucchini was meaty and tasty, then you will soon learn about the good news.

A pregnant woman dreams of a small zucchini in the garden for the birth of her son. Eat it or cook it before the guests arrive. Sometimes people dream of it as a sign of failure and trouble. Boiled zucchini on the table predicts poverty, disappointment, and limitations in material resources.

If a vegetable was baked in the oven and turned out to be very tasty and meaty, this means profit. The dream book writes that you will have good material well-being in your family. A huge tavern the size of a one-story residential building means prosperity.

Many seeds indicate continuation of the family and the appearance of new family members. If its core turns out to be rotten, beware of disease. Sometimes this is a sign that bad habits and debts can destroy your family happiness.

Throwing it away and buying a new one means good changes. If there is ripened zucchini in the garden, this may symbolize the appearance of a new apartment or an imminent wedding in the house. If the pumpkin turns out to be empty but heavy, expect difficult and unprofitable work.

Buy, sell and cook

Seeing a pumpkin in a store or market means a headache. Sometimes a dream symbolizes worries and troubles. Buying it means trying to make money.

However, if you had to cut a pumpkin and find that there is almost no pulp or seeds in it, you will be in big trouble and disappointment. Beware of deception, scams and scams.

A large pumpkin like a watermelon predicts hard work. Loading this vegetable into the car means fatigue and overwork. A modern dream book warns that you can get sick from excessive exercise. Therefore, pumpkin fields with many orange fruits dream of extreme fatigue.

For a girl, such a dream predicts caring for children or sick relatives, difficult working and activity conditions. For a bride, such a dream can be a warning that her husband will not help her with housework or earn enough money.

Bringing home a ripe fruit means pregnancy. Often, such a dream promises people a small salary, which will be spent on household needs. A yellow fruit symbolizes a hasty decision. For a pregnant woman, he predicts complications and worries. However, they will not be dangerous to health.

Cooking and baking pumpkin with vegetables and smelling its aroma is good news. Some people dream about joy, receiving money and the arrival of guests.

Planting a pumpkin seed for a man in a dream predicts good health and family happiness. Sometimes the plot foreshadows the continuation of the family and the appearance of an heir in the family. For a girl to cook pumpkin dishes is a sign of a pleasant pastime. Sometimes a dream predicts that she will receive a gift of gold.

Making pumpkin juice means deteriorating health and throwing money away. Drinking it is a good sign if you like it. The dream book prophesies that you may receive unexpected money or a reward for your work.


A terrible dream in which you had a pumpkin from this holiday foreshadows a surprise and unexpected arrival of guests. For children, the dream aggravates their fears; for adults, it promises disturbing news.

If many heads with pumpkins appear in your dream at night, beware of evil pranks. Most often, such a dream hints that your fears are groundless and far-fetched.

Finding out who is pranking you using a pumpkin means exposing the ill-wisher. Most often, the dream indicates laughter and crazy fun.

Cook and eat pumpkin - you can benefit from any trouble. If it doesn't taste good, you won't enjoy it.

Hope for the best will not come true; expect disappointment, even if your wish comes true. Sweet and juicy pumpkin with spices and herbs symbolizes good news, intrigue, and a mysterious incident.

Eating it with friends portends you good news, a noisy party and receiving a lot of interesting news about mutual friends. A rotten pumpkin is a sign of a cruel joke, illness and trouble.

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