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Double heart line on the right. Heart line on hand

Feelings and emotions play a vital role in our lives. Someone knows how to “keep them in check”, not allowing them to influence decisions made. And for some they occupy a dominant position, blocking all reasonable and rational arguments. There are also those whose sensitivity and emotionality are poorly developed; it is almost impossible to touch such people with anything; they are, in principle, incapable of experiencing strong and all-consuming feelings.

It is this area of ​​human life that is responsible for the nature and quality of love, friendship, and family relationships. And since it is the question of relationships that worries people most of all, in most cases they turn to palmists for help precisely in order to find out how their personal life will develop, whether they are destined to be together with this or that person, and so on.

Heart line meaning

The heart line can tell about the sensual and emotional side of a personality. It is considered one of the four main lines on a person's hand. In addition to the fact that it tells about a person’s emotions and his sensuality, it can also tell about generosity, the ability to compassion, loyalty and fortitude (or the lack of these qualities).

In India, the life line is considered the main one, and when studying the hands, they look first at it. They say that if a person does not have the correct outline, then a Hindu palmist may completely refuse to further examine the palm.

Photo with description

Where is the heart line? It comes from the edge of the palm (below the marriage lines) and, crossing it across, passes under the tubercles of the fingers, thereby separating them from the rest of the palm.

It can end in different places: in the middle of the palm, and on the hill of Saturn, and on the hill of Jupiter, and in the space between the finger of Venus and the finger of Jupiter. Its interpretation also depends on how and where the heart line ends.

Types of heart line: spiritual and physical

The heart line is divided into two types: physical and spiritual. They differ in their shape and location. The physical line of the heart ends either on the Mount of Jupiter, or on the Mount of Saturn, or in the area between them. Holders of the physical heart line express all their feelings and emotions well, and do it beautifully.

They are not inclined to suppress them and accumulate them. They are resilient and love life, and when any shocks occur in their lives, they do not stay in depressed moods for long. They are open and find nothing shameful in discussing their feelings, even if we are talking about the most intimate ones. They are capable of truly loving and caring for someone.

The spiritual line of the heart runs across the palm in a straight line and does not curve toward any of the fingers.

A distinctive feature of people with a spiritual heart line is their tendency to suppress their feelings and not show them to others. They can experience real emotional storms within themselves without saying a word.

It is problematic for them to openly discuss their feelings, however, with proper self-development, these people can achieve the point where their hearts open, and then they will be able to express everything that has accumulated in their souls.

From the outside, such people may seem detached and indifferent, but no one suspects how sensitive and sentimental they really are. They do not avoid communication, but at the same time they need, like air, personal space and periodic solitude.

But it is worth saying that the spiritual line of the heart in its pure form is extremely rare.

End of life line

The end of the life line plays a huge role. It can end in different places, but it almost always begins from the same place - the edge of the palm.

If the end of the life line is located on the tubercle under the ring finger, this is evidence of a passionate nature. Such people love bright and intense feelings, but they quickly pass. These people are loving, but they cannot build long-term, strong relationships.

Men with a heart line ending on the Mount of Apollo are greedy for the appearance of women; they evaluate, first of all, the shell, not the content.

Women with such a heart line tend to evaluate, first of all, a man’s wallet and financial capabilities, and not his inner world. Such people need to change their attitudes and values ​​if they want to build serious relationships.

If the end of the life line is visible on the tubercle under the middle finger, this is evidence that the person is charming and attractive. But at the same time, he can create the impression of a selfish and narcissistic person. And often this impression turns out to be true.

Such people tend to dominate and suppress, they want to be the center of attention and never give up primacy. In relationships they prefer to play a leading role; they have a sense of possessiveness, although they themselves defend their right to freedom.


If the line ends on a hill under the index finger, then this is a sign of a romantic nature, capable of sublime and deep feelings. The emotional component of relationships and their fullness of feelings plays a paramount role for them. At the same time, they are very vulnerable, which can cause some difficulties.

People with this life line are in search of true love and are ready to wait a long time to meet it. They cannot date a person they do not love - they will prefer loneliness instead of entering into an empty and meaningless relationship.

But a meeting with a soul mate illuminates their world with light and new colors. They have every chance of finding true happiness in love.

If towards the end the heart line begins to bifurcate, this indicates a rich and complex inner world of a person. They have an unusual view of things, they do not think narrowly, they are ready to look at problems and life situations from different positions. This helps them cope with failures relatively easily, since they can find something good even in a negative situation.

Such people are also called lucky in love, because thanks to their character and sensitivity they can build long-term, strong and happy relationships with their soulmate.

Heart line shape

A clear heart line is a favorable sign

No less important information about a person, his fate, and character traits can be learned by studying the very shape of the heart line.

A favorable sign is considered if the line of the heart is clear, deep and without breaks. But this does not happen as often as we would like. Various breaks and chains often disrupt the integral shape of the heart line.

A broken or chain-shaped line indicates that a person is fickle in his feelings and prone to adultery. Usually, before starting a long and strong relationship, these people change a considerable number of partners.

There is also a situation where the heart line is clear and uninterrupted, but at the same time it is very thin. This reflects the subtle mental organization of a person. He loves children and pets, knows how to care and show tender feelings.

If the heart line has a bend, this is evidence that this is a good-natured, sympathetic person. He is always ready to help and will never betray.

A double heart line is also a favorable sign. Such a person has a gentle character, he cannot be indifferent to someone’s sorrows, and always tries to make the other feel better.

However, the second line of the heart should not be confused with the main line, which can bifurcate and branch. The second line is a continuous and distinct stripe.

If the heart line is very long, then this is a sign of true romantics who put feelings above everything else in life. This attitude towards the world can bring chaos into their lives, since too bright and strong feelings are not compensated for and are not muffled by the collected and reasonable voice of reason.

They should understand that, despite their extreme sensitivity, they need to listen more often to reasonable arguments, both those given by others and those dictated by their own reason.

If the heart line is short, this indicates that a person, although capable of experiencing strong feelings, still does not have that incredible romance and sublimity, which is evidenced by a long life line. These people are more practical, able to think sensibly, and their feelings often boil down to physical attraction.

An extensive heart line speaks of a person’s indifference. He is able to calmly accept the blows of fate, but not because he worked hard on himself and developed immunity to these blows. He just basically lacks the ability to take everything to heart. But this is not always good. Indifference and coldness in relationships often pushes partners away from such people.

The depth of the heart line tells about the generosity of a person. The deeper the line, the more generous the person is. Such people are capable of selfless acts and even self-sacrifice in the name of great truths.

If the heart line is difficult to see in the palm of your hand, this indicates that the person is intolerant, both towards the people around him and towards life itself and what it brings with it. Such people need to engage in spiritual development, study spiritual literature, since it is in these sources that one can find the truth about how important acceptance is in our lives.

By learning to accept people as they are, a person with this type of heart line will significantly improve their relationships with others. And his quality of life will improve, since the high demands placed on life often lead to disappointment. And as soon as a person loosens his grip, life begins to improve and delight with new colors.

Location of the heart line on the palm

The heart line can be higher or lower on the palm, and also occupy different locations relative to other lines. The interpretation of the heart line also largely depends on this.

The higher the heart line is in the palm, the more passionate a person it is. These are passionate people. Moreover, we can talk about either passion for another person or some kind of hobby.

In the first case, a person becomes so absorbed in feelings for the object of his passion that he blindly follows his passion, trying to achieve reciprocity. In the second case, this indicates that a person is ready to devote himself to some business, hone his skills in it, immerse himself in it headlong and, as a result, has every chance of achieving considerable heights in this matter.

People whose heart line is relatively low are distinguished by their stubborn disposition and spiritual coldness. In this case, you should pay attention to how developed the hills are in the palm.

If they are convex, then this indicates that the person firmly follows religious requirements. Perhaps of his own free will, or perhaps because he was raised that way. In any case, such a person is meek, religious and inclined to suppress and reject everything that contradicts the dictates of his faith.

Interaction between the heart line and the mind line

What a person relies on in his actions - reason or emotions - will be shown by the interaction of the line of the heart and the line of the mind.

The ideal option is a pattern on the palm in which these two lines are approximately the same length, run parallel at the same distance, forming a figure resembling a rectangle. This mutual arrangement of the line of the mind and the line of the heart speaks of the harmony of a person’s inner world, that his mind and feelings are balanced, and he does not go to extremes.

If the line of the heart gravitates downward or, conversely, the line of the mind is located above the norm, then this is a sign that the person is overly restless. He often feels internal tension, and he is constantly visited by doubts about whether he is doing the right thing. This tension leads to the fact that a person becomes hot-tempered and irritable, causing him to have conflicts with others.

If the line of the heart is at a great distance from the line of the mind, then this indicates a person’s tendency to withdraw into himself and not let anyone too close. Despite the fact that they are characterized by the ability to think deeply and broadly, they almost do not share their observations and conclusions with others. Therefore, they give the exact opposite impression - they seem too superficial to people and sometimes even uninteresting.

Often there is a pattern on the palm in which the line of the mind and the line of the heart come together only in the middle, and at the edges, on the contrary, they move away from each other. The figure formed by this combination can be compared to an hourglass.

Such a sign suggests that at a certain time a person will be faced with a difficult task, when feelings and reason will enter into a serious struggle. However, if this task is successfully resolved, life will return to its previous course.

If the line of the heart initially runs parallel to the line of the mind, and at the end the distance between them increases, this is a sure sign that in his youth the person felt great, was full of ideas and inspiration, but this positive attitude faded with age.

Perhaps this happened due to various hardships and disappointments that I had to endure in life. But such a person needs to believe in himself again, find a source of inspiration and not give up on his life. He should remember that every age is beautiful in its own way, and also believe that everything in life happens for the better. And then so it will be.

If at first there is too much distance between the line of the heart and the line of the mind, this indicates that in youth the person has no attachments and is not inclined to build serious relationships. He is also quite cold towards others, and many consider him callous and insensitive.


However, with age, he comes to understand that warm, sincere relationships, a cozy family nest - this is what real happiness is. And then, if a person manages to rearrange his priorities and learns to treat his partner carefully and reverently, he has every chance of becoming a happy family man.

If at the very beginning the two lines are too close to each other, this is evidence that at a young age the person will be troubled by self-doubt. He is overly sensitive even to little things, so he shows nervousness and sometimes even aggression. Such a person places too high demands on himself and is afraid of not meeting them.

If later on the palm the line of life and the line of mind begin to run parallel, it means that the person will cope with his youthful maximalism and will be able to direct his life in a calm, harmonious direction. But if these two lines, on the contrary, diverge to the sides, moving away from each other, then this means that the person will not be able to cope with the problems and anxieties of young age and will become detached and withdrawn.

Signs on the heart line

Island. In most cases, this sign is found at the beginning of the life line: either under the finger of Mercury or under the finger of Apollo. He says that in a relationship a person always tends to meet his partner halfway and find compromise solutions to problems.

This is good if the partner is also wholeheartedly interested in strengthening the relationship. However, he can also take advantage of your flexibility and compliance, then you will not even notice how completely you have submitted to him and his whims. You should learn not only to give, but also to receive.

If the island is observed on the heart line after its downward branches, this indicates the difficulties that you will experience after failure in a love relationship. Such downward branches always signal problems with a partner or even the end of a relationship.

The island, in turn, indicates that it will be extremely difficult for you to return your life to its previous course after a difficult relationship.

Dashes. Small branches emanating from the heart line and directed upward speak of great bright and happy love. Well, if they are directed downward, then this, as already mentioned, is an unfavorable sign, warning of unhappy love and a broken heart. But these lines may disappear from the palm over time.

Breaks. A break on this line indicates that a person is in dire need of love and because of this he feels bad. If there are several such breaks along the entire line, then this is a sign that the person is disappointed in the opposite sex and in love relationships in general.

Rhombus. If a diamond is observed on the heart line, then this foreshadows various problems and obstacles that may arise along the path of life and greatly slow down a person in his growth and development. It is very important here to calculate exactly when they arise in order to be able to take the necessary measures in time and thereby protect yourself.

Dot. The dot also carries a negative meaning, indicating that the person will face difficult trials that will affect his emotional health. He should try not to take what is happening too personally. But the point at the intersection of the life line and the heart line favors the person, saying that these trials will bypass him.


Star. A star on the heart line is a good sign, indicating that you will not know the bitterness of unrequited love. Such people are loved by their partner and have every chance of building a strong relationship with him.

Cross. The sign of the cross, which crosses out the line of the heart, carries a negative meaning. It warns a person about the possibility of serious mental trauma, which will affect his subsequent life.

However, do not be afraid and think that fate is predetermined and you are just a puppet of higher powers. All in your hands. You should never consider yourself a victim of circumstances.

As you know, the lines on the palm tend to change when the person himself changes. Palmistry plays here the role of an indispensable assistant who can tell you what needs to be changed in your life in order to avoid various shocks and problems.

The heart line in palmistry reflects the state of a person’s health, as well as his deep emotional experiences and main events in his personal life.

Location and appearance

Absence Heart lines in the palm indicate very poor health, possibly heart disease.

Rovnaya and a clear line of the heart running across the entire palm characterizes a person as cruel and capable of crime.

Short the heart line, starting under the index finger and ending under the middle finger, speaks of kindness and sacrifice.

Too short the heart line is often found among egoists.

If she dark or yellow, this indicates kidney disease.

Gap in the middle of the heart line symbolizes unhappy love, which will leave a scar in a person’s soul.

Double the heart line is found among monogamous and very devoted people. Such a person feels comfortable only when paired with a chosen one or a friend; loneliness weighs heavily on him.

Availability of many branches at the end of the heart line (under the base of the little finger) speaks of a large number of passionate romances in the life of its owner.

A bunch of ruptures on this line speaks of frequent changes of environment, and even a change of lifestyle. Such a person’s demands on others are greatly exaggerated; he is in constant search of his true calling or soulmate.

Transverse lines crossing the heart line indicate failure in love. The more such lines, the more complicated the situation.

Forked at the beginning, the heart line foreshadows long-awaited happiness after difficult trials. The person is realistic, ready for responsibility and does not demand the impossible from his partner.

Signs and symbols

Island on the heart line symbolizes separation from your lover, through no fault of your own.

Square is a symbol of protection. If there is an island or star inside it, this indicates great luck. A person will miraculously avoid health problems or mental trauma.

Triangle has the same meaning as a square.

Heart line in the form of a chain characterizes its owner as overly timid and compliant. Such a person rarely succeeds in anything, because he is manipulated almost all the time, and he is unable to defend his interests. Hope for happiness will appear only when a person decides to take the initiative and act independently.

Dark spots on this line they speak of mental anguish due to unhappy love or an unsuccessful marriage; other reasons are possible.

Cross based on the heart line, foretells a successful marriage, mutual love and respect for many years.

Star on the heart line indicates a strong shock, which can lead to a nervous breakdown. If the star is on a line break, it is a symbol of poor health. This sign is often found in hypertensive patients and indicates the likelihood of a heart attack or stroke.

The heart line governs a person's emotional life. From it you can judge what kind of relationships he has with the people around him. The heart line is the main line closest to the base of the fingers. It begins on the edge of the palm under the little finger and usually ends somewhere between the thumb and index finger. Thus, the line of the heart crosses the palm.

There are two types of heart lines: the physical line and the spiritual line.


The physical line of the heart (Fig. 26) is rounded at the end and ends either between the index and middle fingers, or on one of them. As a rule, people with a physical heart line know how to express their feelings correctly and beautifully.

Despite the fact that both victories and defeats happen in their lives, they quickly recover from emotional turmoil and continue to enjoy life.

They don't hide their feelings. The following can be said about a person with a physical heart line:

The heart line on the hand ends directly at the base of the fingers, which means that he is an open person, not shy about expressing even the most secret feelings. He is a warm, loving and caring person by nature. When troubles happen to him, he does not allow himself to fall into despair and quickly returns to normal life.


The spiritual line of the heart (Fig. 27) horizontally crosses the entire palm without rounding at the end. People with a spiritual heart line find it difficult to talk about their inner, hidden feelings. They would prefer to suffer in silence rather than create stormy scenes and sort things out.

As a rule, they are overwhelmed by romantic feelings, which often take precedence over common sense. They are sensitive but need freedom. The following can be said about a person with a spiritual heart line:

In this case, the heart line crosses the entire palm. This line is called spiritual and indicates that a person is not able to easily and naturally discuss his personal feelings and experiences. However, if he starts working on himself, he will gradually learn to open his heart to other people. At times he suffers from hypersensitivity. He likes to communicate with the people around him, and at the same time he needs a feeling of free space around him.

Due to the fact that the heart line governs emotions, it is very difficult to meet such a line without any damage, because each of us experiences emotional ups and downs throughout life. The most common confirmation of this is a chain of islands on the heart line, indicating the period of time when a person was faced with emotional problems (Fig. 28). These problems, as a rule, lie in the sphere of love relationships, and, therefore, it is not particularly difficult for a palmist to determine that, for example, a person was unhappy in his first marriage and happy in his second. In this case, on the first half of the human heart line (the part that is located closer to the little finger) there will be many islands, while its second half will be smooth, without any damage.


The place where the heart line ends is of great importance to the palmist. Ideally, the heart line should end between the index finger (Jupiter finger) and the middle finger (Saturn finger) (Fig. 29), which indicates a balance between the ego, or inner self, of the person (which is ruled by the index finger) and all other people. A person on whose hand the heart line ends between the index and middle fingers is realistic about his personal life, without making excessive demands and without suffering from unfulfilled expectations.

If the heart line ends directly on the index finger itself or under it (Fig. 30), this indicates that this person is an idealist and easily vulnerable.

The people with whom fate brings him rarely meet his expectations, as a result, throughout his life he experiences many heartfelt disappointments.

If the heart line ends directly on or under the middle finger (Fig. 31), this indicates a selfish person who thinks exclusively about satisfying his own desires and needs. Such people are not capable of experiencing deep affection.

You can often find a heart line that bifurcates at the end (Fig. 32). Such lines are found on the hands of people whose mental organization is very complex and multifaceted. These people are able to see and understand problems comprehensively.

If the heart line branches in three or more directions, this indicates a person who is extremely emotional in all his romantic relationships. This sign is often considered a symbol of good luck and luck, but it acquires such meaning only if a person has managed to build a serious, strong love union based on mutual respect, constancy and support.

The structure of the heart line is directly related to how much joy is measured out to a person. Ideally, the heart line should be clear, deep and even. It symbolizes a happy, fulfilling emotional life and a healthy, strong heart.

Chains (Fig. 33) on the heart line symbolize emotional stress - frequent emotional ups and downs. Crosses and breaks in the line indicate emotional loss - the end of a love relationship, perhaps as a result of the death of a partner. The island indicates a period of depression and depressed state.

If there is a double heart line on a person’s hand (Fig. 34), this indicates that his chosen one will be extremely caring and devoted.

Speaking of compatibility, the best option for partners is when the heart lines on their hands end in the same area of ​​the palm. We will discuss the issue of compatibility in more detail later.


Sometimes another thin line can be seen between the heart line and the base of the fingers. It is called the belt of Venus (Fig. 35) and indicates the exceptional sensitivity of a person. Most often this line is found on water type hands. People with the Venus belt need constant stimulation of feelings and do not tolerate monotony. Often this feature of their nature finds a way out in creativity. The Belt of Venus, consisting of several parallel lines, indicates an extremely sensitive, extremely emotional person, sometimes unbalanced and suffering from neuroses.


Sometimes at the very end of the heart line you can notice a thin parallel line (Fig. 36). This suggests that a person will be able to build a long, strong love union that will last until old age.

Chapter b. MIND LINE

The line of the mind controls the intellect; by it one can judge how a person thought at one or another stage of his life. The line of the mind can also determine how a person approaches problems and how he approaches life in general.

It is believed that the longer the line of the mind, the smarter its owner and the higher his intelligence. However, the presence of a long line of intelligence does not always indicate that a person will be able to fully realize his intellectual abilities. After all, each of us uses only a small part of our intellectual potential. A person with a short line of mind, who actively realizes his intellectual potential, will achieve much more in life than someone who has a long line of mind, but is lazy to use his intellect.

Rather, the length of the line of the mind helps determine the degree of complexity of thinking.

The longer the line, the more deeply, complexly and broadly the person thinks.

The line of the mind originates between the bases of the thumb and index fingers and, crossing the palm, reaches approximately its middle. In exceptional, rather rare cases, it can completely cross the palm. The line of the mind should be clear and even. Ideally, there should be no unfavorable signs on it. Islands or chains on the line of the mind indicate a period of life during which a person thought chaotically and had difficulty concentrating.

The angle of the mind line indicates how vivid and imaginative an individual has. If the line of the mind crosses the palm in a straight line, this indicates a practical person, devoid of imagination. If the line of the mind crosses the palm diagonally, this indicates a person with a vivid imagination, and the greater the angle of the line, the richer the imagination. If the line of the mind falls too low, then such a person does not adequately assess reality. Such “sloping” lines of the mind are most often found on water type hands.

As with the heart line, we can divide the mind lines into two main groups: creative mind lines and practical mind lines.


The creative line of the mind (Fig. 37) has a pronounced bend and is directed towards the wrist. It ends on the part of the palm that controls creativity and the subconscious. Such a person has a rich imagination. We can say the following about the owner of the creative line of mind:

He tries to be creative in everything he does, using his imagination as much as possible. It is very important that the work he is doing completely absorbs him, otherwise he will quickly get tired of it and plunge into the world of his own dreams and fantasies. He works best in an aesthetic environment because he appreciates beauty and likes to surround himself with beautiful things. It has a refined, sophisticated taste.


Practical lines of the mind make up the second main group (Fig. 38). The line crosses the palm in a straight line. Its name suggests that it is found on the palms of people who stand firmly on their feet and live in the present day. About a person with a practical line of mind we can say the following:

He takes a practical and simple approach to everything he does. He is not inclined to rely on blind faith, preferring to keep the situation under his personal control. He likes to get to the bottom of everything and make his own decisions.

Two of my friends write for a living. One writes highly popular romance novels, and the other writes articles for famous magazines. As you probably already guessed, the novelist's palm is crossed by the creative line of the mind, and the journalist's palm is crossed by the practical line of the mind. They are both excellent candidates for their chosen fields.


Perhaps in some cases you will notice that the line of the mind bifurcates at the end (Fig. 39). One branch diagonally tends to the zone of creativity and the subconscious, and the second crosses the palm in a straight line. This combination is known as writer's fork. Its presence in the palm indicates that a person has a bright, lively imagination and often gives birth to original ideas, which he can later put into practice. Of course, writers primarily do this, but representatives of other professions are not far behind them.

For example, a writer's fork is an extremely favorable sign on the hand of an entrepreneur, as well as on the hand of an artist. One of my school teachers had an amazing ability to explain educational material using interesting examples, which significantly facilitated the learning process. Not surprisingly, there was a clearly marked writer's fork on his palm.


The line of the mind, at the end curved towards the fingers, indicates a person with great material needs (Fig. 40). You will find such a line on the hand of a young girl trying to find a rich husband, and on the hand of an entrepreneur who dreams of becoming a millionaire. In some cases, such a line of mind can be a kind of favorable sign, but, as a rule, it indicates a person obsessed with the idea of ​​enrichment to such an extent that he is unable to stop.


If at the beginning the line of the mind comes into contact with the line of life (Fig. 41), this indicates a cautious, prudent person who thinks first and only then acts.

If at its beginning the line of the mind does not touch the line of life, but is located very close to it (Fig. 42), this indicates a person who is confident in his own abilities, who has been distinguished by independent thinking since childhood.

If the line of the mind begins on the Mount of Jupiter (the tubercle at the base of the index finger, Fig. 44), this indicates a person who is extremely ambitious and ambitious, who will not allow anyone or anything to stand in his way to success.

If the mind line starts inside the life line and crosses it (Fig. 45), this indicates a person who lacks self-confidence, which may be the result of family relationships at an early stage in his life.

If the line of the mind comes from the line of life (Fig. 46) and merges with it over a certain period, this symbolizes such a huge influence of the family that the person was unable (or simply did not feel the need) to make decisions on his own.


The mind line of medium length crosses the palm and ends somewhere under the ring finger (Fig. 47).

A long line of the mind indicates a well-rounded person, distinguished by an abundance of interests and quick thinking (Fig. 48).

If the line of the mind crosses the entire palm, almost reaching its edge (Fig. 49), this indicates a person with an exceptional gift of foresight and rare insight. As a result, the line of the mind divides the palm in half, disrupting the natural flow of energy.

People with a short line of mind (Fig. 50) are straightforward and practical in thoughts and actions. They try to get to work as quickly as possible and complete it without wasting time. These people are not inclined to analysis to the extent that those with long lines of mind are inclined to it.


Ideally, the line of the mind should be long, deep and clear, which indicates an extraordinary mind and a penchant for logical thinking.

If there is an island on the line, it symbolizes a period when a person thought chaotically and irrationally. The reason for this was most likely the difficulties that arose due to the discrepancy between what he would like to do ideally and what he is forced to do in reality. An island on the line of the mind indicates a psychological crisis or a nervous breakdown.


A chain on the line of the mind indicates a tense, stressful period in a person's life or a period when intellectual abilities were not used properly. This could be the result of depression or a consequence of severe headaches. Small perpendicular lines crossing the line of the mind can also indicate frequent headaches.

A break in the line of the mind (Fig. 51) indicates that the brain was inactive for some period of time. This is usually the result of the person being unconscious or suffering from a traumatic brain injury.

If the line of the mind on a person's hand looks thin, pale and poorly defined, this indicates that he prefers not to invest a lot of time and effort in thought processes. But if at the same time the line of the mind is also long, then this person will seem much more erudite and knowledgeable than he actually is.

If the line of the mind looks pale and wide, it represents a slow-witted person who takes a lot of time to make a decision.

The heart line in palmistry is responsible for the emotional part of a person’s life. Thanks to this thread, you can find out how a person develops relationships with other people.

This line is located near the base of the fingers. Its beginning is on the edge of the palm, somewhere under the little finger, and the end is between the thumb and index finger. What does the double heart line and the signs on it mean?

The meaning of double lines in palmistry

Palmistry line of the soul - heart (part 3)


Palmistry. What does a double life line on the palm mean?

In palmistry, a situation quite often occurs when one of the main lines on the palm is forked. The task of the second line or thread, as palmists used to call it, is to enhance the meaning of the main line.

They seem to protect the first line, where there are defects in it. The longest forked line may be the life thread, the remaining repeating threads are relatively short strokes.

Double heart line

In general, in palmistry it is believed that a forked heart line is an unfavorable sign. As a rule, this is a less pronounced thread relative to the main thread of the heart. This says that a person has a dual nature in love. That is, perhaps, the moment when a person is in love with two people at once.

Based on this, the potential for a person to cheat on his regular partner increases. In addition, the possibility increases that a person from one marriage will smoothly flow into another. It must be said that this feature does not at all indicate that a person is frivolous and falls in love with just anyone. It might even be the other way around. Such a person may be especially selective in people, but if he likes a person, then he cannot and does not want to deceive himself.

The rest must be judged by which signs are on the double heart line.

Signs on the double heart line

What signs are found on the bifurcated line of the heart and what do they mean:

  • Islands. These two lines may create certain voids at the intersection. The island denotes an unfavorable sign. It symbolizes some kind of love failure. This could be a divorce, separation. Islands on a double love line symbolize a break in a relationship on which great hopes were placed.
  • The lines that come from the main line of the heart. If these lines look down in the direction, this means that a person in love will face many broken illusions and disappointments, which is why the person will change a lot.
  • If the lines are facing upward, then this indicates a strong, long, happy relationship.
  • If several lines are directed towards the mound of Jupiter, then palmistry interprets this as meaning that through love the person will also receive fame and wealth.
  • If a palmist sees a triangle here, then this relates to health, meaning that the person has potentially poor eyesight.
  • A sign that looks like a cross on a hand means that before a person finds happiness in love, he will have to go through obstacles.
  • A tear in the hand is interpreted as a bad sign. This suggests that the owner of the hand often lacks the manifestation of love from a real partner or that such a partner has not been in his life for a long time.
  • If there are three or four tears on a man’s hand, then this indicates that the man has already formed a wrong opinion about women, he has already become disappointed in them.
  • If three or four breaks are present on a woman’s hand, then this means that the woman has had the experience of an unhappy relationship, as a result of which she is angry with all men at once.
  • A star on the hand in palmistry is interpreted as meaning that the individual had to endure a strong love shock that changed his entire personality. The trauma from this shock has not yet passed; a person cannot forget what happened to him.
  • A point on the double heart line is also not a very favorable sign. He talks about the fact that the person was in an unhappy relationship or it was non-reciprocal love.
  • If the point is distinguished by depth and red light, then this tells about a love trauma that completely changed the moral principles of a person. Another option is that we are talking about physical violence. If there is one point, then there was one event, and if there are several points, it means that shocks haunted the person more than once.
  • The dot on the hand may be black. Such a sign tells that a person is very worried about his love situation, perhaps he is unhappy in a real relationship, or maybe he is worried about real loneliness.
  • A mole is a sign that says that a person is a romantic person, but, most likely, all romantic dreams will soon fade.
  • If the double heart line intersects in the place where the mole is located, then this means that the person will meet a soul mate who will truly take care of him.

Double heart line view

If the first thread is well-drawn, without breaks, and the second is almost the same, then this indicates a stable love relationship, perhaps we are talking about marriage for life. Moreover, the thought of any other relationship does not even arise in the person.

If the first line is clear and straight, and the second is poorly visible with breaks, then this means that two natures are fighting in a person.

The winner is the one that is responsible for stable relationships. But sometimes the owner of the hand dreams of going to great lengths, this speaks of some fantasies that the person most likely does not bring to life.

If both lines of the heart are weakly defined, winding, with breaks, then this indicates that the person is not inclined to enter into long-term relationships, the concept of marriage is not clear to him. It’s good if a person realizes this and openly admits it to himself. It is worse when, under the pressure of society, a person suffers from the fact that he is not like everyone else.

The lines on the hand reflect the qualities of a person and the direction of development of life events. This relationship between lines and human destiny was noticed in ancient times. The lines on the left palm show a person’s past and events planned by fate. The lines on the right hand show the current state of events and changes that have occurred in a person’s destiny. Let's take a closer look at what the heart line shows? claims that it is associated with human emotions.

Where is the heart line in the palm? It is located immediately under the fingers and crosses the palm from the little finger to the thumb. Palmistry considers two types of heart lines - spiritual and physical.

The physical line begins at the little finger and ends at or between the middle and index fingers. It has an arched shape. People with this sign on their hand are able to express their feelings in a beautiful artistic form, they know how to notice the beauty of the world and do not lose their presence of mind even in the most difficult circumstances.

These people do not know how to hide their feelings; they always act openly and honestly. They cannot be broken by life’s adversities - internal reserves of energy help to recover in a short time and again feel the joy of being in full. They are sensitive to others, may have empathy and even the ability to telepathy. These are charismatic and energetic people.

The line of the spiritual heart runs in a strictly straight direction, without forming any curves. These are closed people who are unable to openly express their thoughts and feelings. They will never emotionally sort things out, create scenes of jealousy, or openly conflict with ill-wishers. People with a spiritual heart are also capable of romantic feelings, but they are not able to express them in a beautiful form. This often results in internal conflict, which can lead to crazy actions.

What is the significance of the end of the heart line on the palm? It can end at the middle and ring finger, or it can last all the way to the little finger. Let's consider the options:

  • the line ends between the middle and index fingers - a person of a realistic disposition, his inner world is balanced;
  • near the index finger - a suspicious and vulnerable person, capable of making a molehill out of a molehill;
  • near the middle finger - in front of you is a complete egoist who does not know how to take into account the interests of the people around him.

The bifurcation of the heart line denotes the complex spiritual organization of a person, a contradictory nature. If the line has three branches at the fingers, you have a loving and emotional person. If he can remain faithful to the chosen one of his heart, this will bring great success in life.

The double line speaks of the presence of a caring and faithful partner in a person’s life. Are there any signs of partner compatibility? Yes, this is a complete coincidence of the direction and shape of the heart lines of both partners.

Line icons

Ideally, the heart line should be clearly visible, straight and deep. There should be no signs or intersecting lines on it. This characterizes a happy destiny, harmony in relationships with the opposite sex and a healthy circulatory system.

However, the emotional sphere of a person is always subject to changes, experiences and instability. Signs located directly on the heart line or nearby will tell you about this:

  • islets;
  • chain;
  • ruptures;
  • crosses.

One of the signs is an island or a whole chain of islands: they indicate problems in the emotional life that a person has experienced. Large islands indicate periods of deep depression and emotional instability.

For example, if the islands were located at the beginning (at the little finger), this indicates a stormy and unstable love sphere in youth. Sometimes the line can level out and become clearly defined at the middle finger - this shows that in adulthood the emotional sphere has come into balance and outbursts of violent emotions are a thing of the past.

The chain is a sign of a rich and intense emotional life. A person reacts violently to any problems and can make his life unbearable. A line interrupted in several places indicates love losses and separation from loved ones.

Islands should not be confused with a chain. The chain consists of small links and resembles a real metal chain. It indicates a person’s emotional mobility. It is common for people of this type to quickly get carried away by something and quickly lose interest. The islands indicate a tendency to dramatize events - they look like large links in a chain.

What is this sign and what does it tell us? The Belt of Venus is another line running parallel to the heart and fingers - it is located between them. This sign indicates a subtle, sensitive nature of the creative type. If the belt of Venus consists of several parallel thin lines, this shows the person’s hysteria and eccentricity - he is unbearable.


Is it possible to determine character by the line of the heart? Yes, you can. To do this, you need to carefully consider the direction of location and the end point of the line:

  • smooth and straight - a kind, open, generous person;
  • goes down from the Mount of Mars to the line of life - an irritable nature, always dissatisfied with everything;
  • connects with the life line - the person is overly trusting;
  • connects with the head line - the person is not insightful and intelligent enough;
  • goes up to the Mount of Jupiter - a person is prone to lofty ideas;
  • short and deep - cold and stubborn nature;
  • very bright and deep - a person is controlled by feelings, not reason;
  • thin and barely noticeable - a person does not know how to enjoy life.

If thin shoots extend upward from the heart line, this indicates a frivolous attitude towards love relationships - a person is more interested in flirting than devotion to a loved one.

If the processes are directed downward, a person does not know how to build love relationships and wastes his strength.

Is it possible to determine a tendency toward homosexuality based on the line of the heart? To do this, the tubercle of Venus must be well developed, and there must be several islands near the middle finger.

Studying a person’s character based on the signs and lines on the hand will help you find the right approach to him and avoid conflicts.

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

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